Tuesday, July 17, 2012

OBAMA: "If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That, Somebody Else Made That Happen"

Obama Demonstrates His Total Ignorance About How Businesses Are Created!


  1. ignoramus would be accurate!

  2. The big issue in this presidential campaign is not about the economy; it’s not about Obama’s poorly thought-out healthcare program or even about government spending, as all these are symptoms of a larger malaise plaguing the nation. The big issue in this campaign is about givers and takers and how those who take will always kill the goose that lays the golden egg. In this case they’re being urged ahead by the pied piper of Chicago who is prepared to pay any price, no matter how dear to fundamentally transform America into a socialist dystopia.

  3. Hey conservatives democrats (no oxymoron here)- still got that tingly feeling up your leg?

  4. I guess even Democrats who own businesses are not happy with being told that if they own a business, they didn't work hard to build it and that it was all done for them by the government?

  5. Just one more example of what you learn about Obama's stupidity whenever he speaks off teleprompter--which is why they drag a teleprompter everywhere he goes and every word he normally speaks is strictly scripted by his handlers. He may well be known in the history books as the teleprompter president, but the only problem with that is we know little about him and more about his handlers.
