Friday, July 20, 2012

Obama tries to explain entrepreneurs comments - Washington Times

With Fabrications


  1. President Obama cannot disguise his dearly-held federal government "social justice" beliefs. While Obama has stated- "We don't like handouts", his whole existence has been built on those handouts.

    From his grandparents paying for his private schooling, from his tutelage by Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii, from his assumed apparent free college career, from the federal government "Project Vote" & community organizer role which was taxpayer-funded, from his guest lecturer appearance at the University of Chicago which his campaign turned into a full professorial position -to his taxpayer-funded czars in the White House who did all the ground work for him.

    Has anyone ever read about President Obama actually holding a job? If he actually did hold a job, his campaign staff and the media has buried or dissolved that fact along with his life history & biography.

  2. Another green company backed by an Obama bundler just bit the dust. After announcing earlier this year that the company would lay off 200 of its 300 employees, solar manufacturer Amonix Inc. closed its operation in North Las Vegas leaving taxpayers in the red by $20 million.

  3. The latest Mitt Romney TV commercial, “These Hands” says all that needs to be said about President Obama. In the larger sense, it lays bare, the Marxist and Collectivist beliefs of Barack Hussein Obama...the Change and The Hope crap !

  4. In light of the Solyndra bankruptcy, terms like “economic stimulus package” and “green jobs” now appear to be Team Obama code words for “kickbacks" to political supporters so huge ($$$$$) they would make a third-world despot green with envy.

  5. Forget trying to back peddle this one Mr. Obama. You just prove to all of us that you are clueless and a product of total government support yourself. We know alot of folks like you here in New Britain. Base their existence off of government jobs, grants, family associations couldn't go out and create an exsistence for themselves if their damn lives depended on it. Total dependent on the taxpayer. Makes me sick.

    People hate Republicans and accuse them of being hateful, wealthy, racists. Thats right, they work hard, make a living for themselves and create a living for others of any color and hate being insulted by the other side.

    Democrats, their wealthy too only problem is they created their wealth of of the hard working people. Obama be damned.

  6. When you elect someone who never ran anything in their lives and spent their entire adult life agitating and causing trouble, how can you expect them to understand what it takes to run a business?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When you elect someone who never ran anything in their lives and spent their entire adult life agitating and causing trouble, how can you expect them to understand what it takes to run a business?


  8. Young Latinas Could Swing Presidential Election.

    Paul Begala, writing in Newsweek publication, reported that the race for president comes down to four percent of the presidential vote in state of Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado: A total of 916,643 people casting their vote. Most of those voters, he opines are Latinos with high school educations.

  9. The deaths of innocent movie-goers in state of Colorado is tragic and dramatic, but the murder of a nation’s economy and the dreams of its citizens to get a college degree without going into debt, hold a job, own a home, run a business, or have a secure retirement, pails in comparison.

  10. We have a Democrat, President Barack Obama, who is abandoning the white middle-class, attacking capitalism, and lavishing insult after insult upon anything and everything Americans have always held dear including our founding principles. We also have a Republican, challenger Mitt Romney, who passed the template for Obamacare in Massachusetts, urging Americans to extend compassion to the families of the victims of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

  11. Obama has apparently decided he doesn't need any votes from whites because the latest poll showed that 98% of all black people in America are planning to vote for him regardless of what he stands for simply because of the color of his skin and despite the fact the he isn't even a black man since he is a mulatto. I wonder how black people in America will react if some day they are able to elect America's first black president since we have still never had a black president in the history of our nation?
