Monday, July 2, 2012

Obama’s Constitutional Crisis


  1. President Obama's Forth-coming Constitutional Crisis.

    Several State Governors have already announced they will not enforce the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare - the Affordable Health Care Act.

    Thus, President Obama has set the stage for a major constitutional crisis. Nullification is a constitutional movement that gives an individual State the right to declare null and void any law passed by the United States Congress which the State deems unacceptable and unconstitutional.

    So, Buckle up, It's going to be a bumpy November Election ride !

  2. President Obama has now set the stage for a major constitutional crisis, with the Supreme Court decision that the Affordable Health Care Act is constitutional and the law of the land. He could, in theory, declare martial law to defend Obamacare. This is not just an idle threat because, several State Governors have already announced they will not enforce Obamacare.
