Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Occupy Obama! Transformation of the latest world dictator by voting him out of office


  1. The Occupy Obama agenda comes with the best end goal of them all - the total fundamental transformation of voting him out of Washington D.C. area in November and on back to his home town as community organizer in City of Chicago !

  2. The July 2012 employment report just reinforces the fact that the economic policies of the Obama Administration have failed. The unemployment rate continues to exceed 8 percent and millions of Americans continue to strive in vain to find jobs.

    Jobs are created through private investment, not through government bailouts and massive short-term government expenditures that increase the size and cost of our already bloated federal bureaucracy.

    To grow the economy and create jobs we need to reform the tax code, eliminate the regulatory barriers to free enterprise and unleash the enormous job-creating power of private investment.

    The simple fact is that government intrusion into our free market economy has not solved our economic woes, it has only added to them.
