Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Person of interest in EZ Mart killing did not serve full sentence for armed robbery - MyRecordJournal.com: Meriden News - Myrecordjournal.com


  1. If you ask me, this poor guy's killing is a direct result of Danny Boy's failed socialist policies.

  2. This is only the beginning. Dictator Dan is opening the gates at the prisons and dumping thousand of violent criminals back into society. According to the mayor of Hartford, Hartford alone has over 5,000 newly released criminals to deal with.

    Thanks to Danny Boy and his radical liberalism, many more honest hard working people will die at the hands of these violent thugs who belong in prison.

  3. If this is true, then, as was predicted, The Connecticut Lib Dem-Working Family's Party, now officially has an innocent citizen's blood on it's hands. All who support this Party are equally guilty.

  4. Why do you think gun sales are skyrocketing?

    The communists in Hartford are releasing thousands of thugs onto our streets and reducing the number of state troopers at the same time.

    There will be no one to protect you, so you will have to protect yourself!

  5. According to what I heard on John Rowland's show yesterday, if it weren't for Danny Boy and his massive release of violent criminals onto our streets, this Meriden shop owner would still be alive unless another one of Danny Boy's thousands of release-es happened to choose this same store for his violent crime spree.

    If Danny Boy keeps this up, our streets are going to resemble something out of a wild west movie until Danno gets around to taking your guns away so that only his beloved criminals are able to carry guns.
