Friday, July 20, 2012

Profits Down, Stanley Black & Decker Plans Layoffs But Raises Dividend -



  1. awe, poor union thugs gonna get laid off. My heart bleads.

  2. This story make it sound like the other shoe is yet to drop. Could it be news that they are joining all the other companies in fleeing socialist Connecticut?

  3. It's odd how the Democrats are so obsessed with Mitt Romney and subject of who paid what taxes except when it applies to other Democrats. So what if the McMahon's paid a net rate of approx 15% on their earnings? It was in compliance with applicable tax law. What did Nancy Pelosi or John Kerry or any of the Kennedy's pay.

    So, how much in taxes did Blumenthal pay with his coupon-clipping marriage to the Empire State building? Or how about the progressive Chris Dodd with his congressional nepotism and poltical graft with Countrywide Finance ? What did he pay ?

  4. How about the fact that John Kerry hid his $7 million yacht in Rhode Island to avoid the outrageous taxes in his home state of Massachusetts?

    But because Kerry is a Democrat, he is of course a man of the poor people, so I guess everyone in American owns a $7 million yacht?

  5. A good reason to avoid Stanley and Black Decker products--union made!

  6. Lowell Weicker rescued Connecticut from financially bleeding to death and held state spending in check. Had he been followed in office by responsible individuals instead of a crook and incompetent and an airhead and a spend-a-holic Democrat, the state would be in better fiscal shape.

    When Weicker left office, the state budget was less than HALF what it is today. In the end, blame the major political parties and the voters for sending people to the legislature and the Capitol to waste our money.

  7. Dodd-Frank is designed to improve business regulation, but what it actually does is institute a massive job-creation scheme for lawyers. There isn’t a financial institution in this country that doesn’t now require its compliance department to retain a whole bunch of lawyers to explain to them what this 2,000-plus-page Dodd-Frank monster means for their business.

  8. So the law that was supposed to fix the financial sector - and created something called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) - is now hurting the American consumers rather than “protecting” them.

    Since the two jerks- Mr. Dodd and Mr. Frank who both created the CFPB monster mess, have retired from politics, it's now up to Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank regulations before it can do any more damage.
