Friday, July 13, 2012

Quote of the Day from Ben Stein:

" Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured...

But not everyone must prove they are a citizen."


  1. A pair of clowns from a popular circus entertained the public at city hall on Tuesday.

    Clowns Sherwood and his sidekick O'Brien were promoting one feel good touchy feely program after another with their stellar circus performance.

    The clown duo have been in office for several months, and yet have no record of any positive accomplishments to offer anyone.

    “We’re lucky to have had them here many times,” one person who attended the comedy said. “This is a fun way to promote the positions of the local Democratic party. Anyone can come to this event and have a wonderful time laughing hysterically at their ever growing list of ridiculous proposals.”
