Wednesday, July 18, 2012

State Investigating Sabotage By Union Members At HealthBridge Nursing Homes -


Maybe the company is right in wanting to rid themselves of these union thugs. 


  1. Just one more example of why unions are do bad for America!

  2. I hope the police identify the thugs involved and thrown them all in jail!

    This is outrageous!

  3. A good reason to support the national right to work foundation.

  4. No comment from the Governor?

    Doesn't he represent these elderly residents too, or just the union?

    We already know the answer.

  5. This story is horrible. Can you only imagine being a family member?
    I worked as an aide in high school at two of our local nursing homes right here in New Britain. One of them is now closed, one remains open. I can attest that I witnessed abuse and cruelty against patients. At 17 years old I had no fear and filed complaints with the nursing supervisor. It got me written up and on warning until I finally quit my part time job and moved on. I will never forget. When I saw the news report, watching those picketing workers, made my skin crawl. My mother-inlaw spent 10 days at the Newington home after a fall at home. In those 10 days she developed bed sores. We had been taking care of her at home she was relatively confined to bed and never a sore, ten days there.... bed sore. My brother-inlaw signed her out against the home's urging, they even threatened to not process the Medicare billing because it had not been the standard number of days! They told him they would bill him directly! He said go right ahead and I will be leaving with my mother tommorow. Not every family has that option and not every person has family or can speak for themselves.

  6. For the Gov, and the attorney general to walk the picket line is just outright Bullshit. Right there they say what direction this will go. Union thugery at its best. VOTE OUT THE CORRUPT DEMS !!! The unions action could kill folks but I guess thats cool with them and our Gov if gets them what they want. Not like we could get the feds to go after Malloy either, just sad

  7. Frank:

    " Absolutely outrageous ! Yet another black eye for unions like SEIU. Have some of these unions taken over the idea of having "death panels?"

    If any one of the helpless patients affected dies, is this not homicide? And are the Governor and the A.G. not tacitly complicit? "

    Lou Salvio

  8. If the Democratic Party is allowed to create its' death panels, then there won't be any nursing homes left for the unions to strike.

    What unlucky industry will be their next target? Will hit be the hospitals?
