Friday, July 6, 2012


BE REMINDED OF THE COMMON COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING SUB-COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING! This hearing is scheduled to be held in the council chambers at 7 P. M. TUESDAY JULY 10TH. The intent of the resolution being proposed is to disallow the landlords from passing on to their tenants any city fees, fines, penalties, on to the tenants. And Fees "THAT" would include any damages caused by the tenants as well. IF YOU ARE A LANDLORD OF PROPERTIES THAT HOUSES TENANTS YOU SHOULD APPEAR AT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL TO EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS FOR OR AGAINST THIS RESOLUTION BEING CONSIDERED BY THE CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION. fs


  1. It is about time these evil rich landlords were punished. How dare they make money off the poor. They should simply give their housing units away rent free!

  2. Anti business socialist rule.

  3. I notice that the so-called lamestream media doesn't report about the Democrats plan to force a fair rent commission onto the landlords of this city. Could it be that as fellow radical socialists, they don't want anyone to know?
