Thursday, November 8, 2012

N.J. Governor Claims that it is not his fault that Mitt Romney lost!

We call all recall the photo op
 with President Obama and the Gov. where he praised the President for doing so much for his state. Claiming his activity with President Obama was about getting things done then to care about partisanship.

Many political pundits of the area's political scene are placing Christie's move with the praising President Obama was to ensure his own re-election bid for governor in next year's New Jersey election.

Or could it really be, that Romney had decided to make him his vice president choice and then reneging, by naming Ryan for his running mate.



  1. Either way Christie lost much of his support from Republicans for praising Obama for doing absolutely nothing. Obama showed up for a picture op, then left and people are dying while FEMA is failing to do anything to help these victims because everything is caught up in the usual bureaucratic red tape.

  2. Some Republicans are taking issue with Mitt Romney supporters who think New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) deserves blame for the candidate’s defeat. By the way he praised the President for his help but the President only stayed for the photo op and went back to campaigning in some other state.

  3. Look, Chris Christie is concerned about his state and his people who are suffering. His statement could honestly be to encourage more govt. support or maybe we don't see it but the President might be paying attention to Christie's situation and answering his call. Look folks, to condemn NJ's governor for hooking up with the government while his coastline was washed away and they have no power and people died and winter is upon us, please have a heart.

    Sally Eigenraam
