Friday, April 5, 2013

How to Save the O’Brien Administration


Anonymous said...

According to Hartford Courant news paper article dated July 11, 2011, Mr. Leo Canty said that he received telephone messages from citizen Phil Sherwood, Mayor Segarra’s campaign manager, that Canty would face repercussions and veiled threats from Hartford citizens for not supporting Hartford Mayor Segarra's re-election campaign.

In his phone conversation's with Segarra's campaign manager Phil Sherwood, Leo Canty said, that It’s just not the kind of politic messages that I like. You shouldn’t be voting for somebody based on what might happen to you. When Mayor Segarra fired Sherwood, he denied making those telephone threats against union member Leo Canty.

Anonymous said...

Problem is that O'Brien doesn't seem to know how to do his job, so he relies on a paid agitator to do it for him.

Anonymous said...

How can O'Brien get rid of Sherwood when Sherwood is his keeper and O'Brien is simply Sherwood's organ grinder (monkey)?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Frank smith is scum and so is his puppet Lou Salvio.

Frank it seems that you and Lou are getting to the America hating socialist Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Frank and Lou. They are cracking!

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