Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Erin Stewart, was sworn in as New Britain's second Woman Mayor, By former Mayor Timothy Stewart her Father.

With all the elected officials in attendance strangely with two shunning the affair were John McNamara , for the board of assessment and Appeals, and Alderman David DeFronzo.



  1. The other guy on the Assessment Appeals Board missed it also. Sour grapes? What a bunch of childish

  2. McNamara's a far leftwing nut job and Dave is just being Dave so who cares?

    Why no story/pics in the Herald? Figure they'd want to be on top of this story.

  3. My guess would be no pics in the Herald because it just happened. It would be in tomorrows paper. That's how papers work.

    Why wasn't it in the New Britain City Journal? Same reason. Common sense is not common any more

  4. If Sr. gets his way, Alderman DeFronzo will be running for mayor in 2015.

    That gives us two years to expose his true character, to the voters.

    They need to be constantly reminded that he was a major player in every crooked scheme Sherwood and O'Brien dreamed up.

    Let's end the Sherwood/O'Brien reign of terror on New Britain once and for all before it has a chance to rear its' ugly head again.

  5. I believe the Herald is not reporting anything because their lunatic nut job liberals all lost!

  6. If everyone stopped buying their paper, they would sell out and move out of town.

  7. Don't even read it online because by generating web traffic you are helping to increase advertising revenue from their web site. The best thing to do is simply ignore that rag as if it doesn't even exist.

  8. What kind of jerk would wish ill on our hometown paper? The Herald provided far more even handed coverage than any other publication. The Courant endorsed OBrien and the NBCJ was basically a political ad for Stewart. The Herald even covered Erin's fundraising events. The assertion that the Herald was one sided towards OBrien is complete BS. Every candidate received similar questions and coverage. All three papers gave a huge pass to the candidates on both sides with serious criminal records. You had convicted felons running on both sides.

  9. The only convicted felon I am aware of was a Democrat who the voters rejected by voting him out of office.

  10. your 8:30AM commenter must be overdosing on that liberal Kool-Aid!

  11. While all of you worry about what Stewart is going to do or not do, you forget the members of the council have the last say. They approve or disapprove the spending and any other resolutions that come before them. Go to a council meeting and see for you self but I first recommend reading the rules of the council and see how they have been violated.

  12. For now the Democrats lack a veto proof majority, so Erin can simply veto whatever nonsense they pass!

  13. Little Mack must be spitting nails at the thought of his colossal failure!

  14. Actually, under the city charter, Carlozzi and Centeno are still on the council until this Ward 5 mess is finalized.

    It is not Kool Aid. The Republicans really did run at least two candidates with serious criminal histories which included felony drug charges and burglary. Despite this, all three of these individuals have become productive members of society and assets to the city. As Mr. Smith noted about one of them, they made mistakes in their past.
