Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mayor Erín Stewart Held Her First City Council Meeting Tonight

She handled herself very well throughout the entire meeting.

A motion to place Former Mayor Lucian Pawlak to the Mattabassett Board of Directors failed, because the proposer of the motion, failed to point out that Lucian had worked many years  as a plant employee and when he subsequently left that position, he became the plant manager of the sewage plant at CHS in Middletown.   
Lucian would have made a good director for the District but, the motion failed, with a 5 to 10 vote.  
 The motion was lost with his fellow Democrats votes.

Maybe Lucian should join the Republican party since they were the only ones to recognize his ability and voted for him.



  1. WOW, Lucian was royally screwed by his own party!

  2. He's not a convicted felon and therefore doesn't meet the Democrat's standards.

  3. But does he pay his taxes? Ask Centeno about that subject!

  4. But Candelori does fit the felon Democratic standards.

  5. Just knowing that these 10 dumbbells dislike him makes me respect Lucian all the more!~

  6. Oops. The Republicans ran two people with criminal histories. A convicted burglar and a convicted drug felon. So maybe you should stop pointing fingers and being so smug. These people paid a debt to society and turned out to be very productive.
