Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Britain, A Look Inside the Landlord War


Here are my personal thoughts on the past year's battle with the O'Brien administration.
Packed Council Chamber

1,000 Attend Rally

What's At Stake
City Hall New Britain

My view from the "Front Row"
Today marks a turning point in New Britain's year long war over several housing ordinances as the election outcome gives CTPOA an opportunity to get back to its goals of providing education, tools, resources and opportunities to property owners; or not!  
When Mayor O'Brien went on the attack and proposed his housing ordinances in 2012, he also stereotyped landlords as 'Money-grubbing owners taking advantage of poor tenants and getting rich." Next he began repeatedly calling us 'Angry Slumlords" when we reacted as a large group in opposition to his policies at Council meetings.
I must point O'Brien never consulted with any housing experts before creating the ordinances, he states; "These are his policies". However O'Brien has never owned or managed a rental property in his life, yet he insisted his ordinances are sound policies and he pressed forward despite strong opposition on a "Never been seen before" scale in any Connecticut city; it clearly defied logic!
As the Mayor continued his assault against private ownership of rental properties, his spokesmen Phil Sherwood twisted the story as opposition grew and Phil hurled daily insults at landlords in the press increasing in absurdity to where it was akin to me calling a " Brain Surgeon a Meat Cutter." Yes, it was a difficult year for me in New Britain.
Recently, spokesmen Sherwood has been banished from the kingdom, temporarily or permanently, nobody knows. The Mayor has divided the city and brazenly spends tax-payer money by providing his friends city work despite a hiring freeze and he continues to defend these housing ordinances.
Both the 9-1-1 Caller Fine and the Landlord Licensing Tax have been the focus of CTPOA in 2012 and 2013. We also know these ordinances make little sense to anyone with basic property management knowledge and they must be repealed.
So, CTPOA with the help of many local New Britain property owners mobilized for the first time ever landlords and tenants into a voting block for an election. While in the past, we have theorized about this ability, it has never been attempted until now in New Britain.
Tonight's outcome will tell if we did well the first time playing this game. I want to remind all to vote today and of course CTPOA is supporting Erin Stewart for Mayor in New Britain and we urge all that vote in New Britain to support Erin Stewart.
Robert De Cosmo
President, CT Property Owners Alliance Inc.

This email was sent to s_nb@comcast.net by ctpoa@sbcglobal.net |  
CT Property Owners Alliance Inc. | 161 North Main Street | Suite 3 | Waterbury | CT | 06702

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