Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Mayor In New Britain Orders Spending Freeze - Courant.com



  1. Ending the $100,000 consulting contract to the governor's former aid, $30 something thousand deal to a former state rep. for what no one seems to be able to find out what his company was paid for, and eliminating the paid agitator position for a council member's wife in the mayor's office would all be good starts!

  2. O'Brien is gone from any elected office in or representing New Britain. I hope this fact is true for the long term. The assertions about NB's finances that he made to Don Stacom are as false today and they were when he posted them two tears ago after becoming the then, Mayor. Perhaps Gov. Malloy can find a minimum wage-no skills required job for you somewhere where you don't have to show up.

  3. if we are lucky, O'Brien will take Despot Dan with him to that no show no skills job.

  4. maybe the carpetbagger will go back to Manchester where he came from?

    It was a great day in NB when Sherwood went back to New Hampshire. I guess the little New Hampshire village missed their idiot after all.
