Friday, November 15, 2013

The Sherwood/O'Brien Gag & Threat Order Ended on Election Day.

Seeing many city employees, during the threat tenure of these two at city hall, I noted the fear in their faces in public recognizing that they would not even talk shop while in public due to fear of reprisals.   One who retired a year or so ago indicated to me "I wanted to get out of there because I couldn't stand what was going on."
Now when meeting the same city employees in public I see smiling faces with laughter, at our local restaurants, being free to talk shop with each other.
It is truly amazing what Erin's election has accomplished in gaining employee loyalty in less than seven days of her becoming Mayor.



  1. I agree that city hall is a better place since O'Brien left.

  2. I guess at least for the next 2 years there will be no answer at the door when Big Bertha comes a knockin'

  3. When will Dannel appoint Timmy OB to a deputy commissioner slot?
