When the 2013-2014 budget was
approved by the then Common Council in June of 2013, Tim O'Brien was
Mayor and there were 13 Democrats on the Council; in addition, and according to
the article, that Council and that Mayor also approved $90 million in various
projects, not all of them were "capital projects." It would appear -
in this writer's opinion - that Council Democrats at that time, had a
premonition that O'Brien would lose the Mayoralty in November; Why?. At that
time and in addition to the increase in bonding, The Democratic Council leaders, Trueworthy,
Bielinski and DeFronzo steamrolled through, all of O'Brien's frivolous
spending, bonding and lucrative pay raises for department heads and directors. The
Council, especially Bielinski - the self-proclaimed taxpayer watchdog in this
Herald article - also gave away the biggest chunk of taxpayer dollars ever by
waiving away (illegally, in writer's opinion) millions of dollars of real
estate taxes that are/were supposed to be paid by HRA on Clinton St.
Bielinski with all her
bluster about her concern for taxpayers, (a claim that deserves 4 "Pinocchio’s"),
and aided by the other 12 Council Democrats, also spearheaded the hiring of her
nephew's wife for a high paying cushy job before O'Brien lost the Mayoralty.
Oh yeah! Bielinski really cares about taxpayers!!! "
The City is still dealing with that
budget and will be until July 1, 2014. To that end, and with the help of the
City's Finance Dept. and The City's Bond Counsel, Mayor Stewart will introduce
to the Common Council, action to rescind certain bonding allocations for what
she referred to as luxury items - not needed at this time. There are
other critical projects that need immediate attention. About rescinding
bonding projects, Majority Leader, Bielinski said in the Herald article, "
I would have to also look at what is important in my eyes and the eyes of the
taxpayers." NO KIDDING? Now that's chutzpah!
Lou Salvio, New Britain Common
Landslide Louie tells it like it is!