Saturday, March 8, 2014

CTPOA Moving Forward on Complaint Against O’Brien


1 comment:

  1. Why isn't this group going after him for the money that was paid to Pudlin in a no bid contract that can best be described as secret work?

    April 11 2013 NBCJ article:

    After waiting nearly a month the City provided documents last week that identified David Pudlin of Pudlin Strategic Communications (PSC) was indeed hired in a no bid contract and although being paid has not shown any work on paper.

    Pudlin Strategic Communications, (PSC) LLC, a political consulting firm, was hired for consulting services in 2012 and has been paid $30,800.

    According to documents the company owned by Pudlin was paid from May 2012 through Feb. 2013.

    The contract between Pudlin and the City specifically states that the contractor will assist in city budget affairs, city efficiency studies, and bring in jobs, but has done no such work, at least not according to what was released.

    In fact, PSC has not generated one report or document of any kind...

    According to sources, Pudlin also had not paid about $5,000 in City taxes and the City threatened to withhold some of his payments for taxes. He then paid his taxes, sources said.
