Saturday, July 5, 2014

» Who elected Michelle Obama? » News -- GOPUSA


  1. What a ghastly looking troglodyte.

  2. ...and Marxist Malloy wouldn't be governor if it were not for the photocopied ballots in Bridgeport!

  3. Nothing America has done in Michelle Obama’s adult life, which at 44 goes back 26 years to 1982, has made her proud of her country? Nothing? Not winning the Cold War? Not our regular and orderly transitions of power based on the rule of law? Not the fact that we feed and defend the world, not that we lead in science and technology research, not that we elected the first black president in 1992…nothing? Not the fact that she and her husband were able to go to Ivy League schools before embarking on extremely lucrative careers? Not the fact that we help out in disasters wherever they strike in the world? Nothing has made Michelle Obama proud of her country in her entire adult life?

    How sad. I certainly don’t want such a vain pessimist as First Lady.

  4. Michelle Obama is fugly…actually butt ugly. Good thing Obama is more interest in old white men, but then if you had to look at that beast, maybe you would be queer too!
