Friday, February 13, 2009

Judd Gregg's Second Thoughts -

Judd Gregg's Second Thoughts -


  1. Can anyone blame him for not wanting to work for such a fascist extremist?

  2. The US Census is the most racist tool currently in play as a power grab by special interest groups who are the very ones who claim they are free of bias and above every else in their ethics.

    It is not just a head count of population as it should be but it used as a tool to make decisions based on race and ethnicity. That is far from the “dream “ of equality. These so-called “leaders” of special-interest groups care only about elevating their numbers and power. They care about funding and special perks for their own racial and ethnic group and not all Americans. They are a disgrace and need to be called out on the carpet.

    Who cares if you are Puerto Rican Hispanic, Mexican Hispanic, Central American Hispanic? Who cares is you are Asian- Pacific, American Indian, Other Indian, left-handed Lesbian or other group that wants special treatment. Why should illegal aliens be counted? Why is this important to counting heads for apportionment? Because it is NOT.

    Why do we need to ask the “leaders” of blacks and Hispanic groups to approve of the methods used and cow-tow to their demands? These groups want special treatment and special formulas to over count their “projected” numbers for power and money.

    When do we get rid of the Black caucus, the Hispanic Caucus, and every other racist and divisive group that cares only about skin color and ethnic group and don’t want to represent all Americans. They are a disgrace and just like the US Census questions, continually focus on dividing Americans.

    Maybe we should just ask the ACORN workers to do the census. We are sure to have the same results.

  3. Why don't we ask our resident expert Phil Sherwack for his opinion?

  4. Now Obama will appoint a left wing loon who will go along with manipulating the census to create more Democratic districts.

  5. 5 billion dollars to ACORN, complete control of census, the pendulum will never swing back. It's all part of the transition to a Democrat controlled socialism.

  6. According to Mark Levin, the #3 talk show host in America (after Rush Limbaugh #1, and Sean Hannity #2) it is actually fascism.
