Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Millionaires flee Maryland taxes by the Washington Examiner; Just like Ct. Businesses Who Are Leaving Our State

Millionaires flee Maryland taxes | Washington Examiner


  1. Yup. And Defronzo, O'Brien, Geragosian, and Tercyak all feel it is "fair" to tax them even more.

    Less and less high income producing people means WE WILL BE HIT WITH THE BURDEN. Not "the rich". The "poor" pay nothing but receive a lot.

    So as the gravy train leaves who gets stuck paying the higher property taxes, higher income taxes, higher sales tax? Yup. US!

    Unions are STILL making out well. State furloughs? Please! They already get 20 HOLIDAYS. In my company we get 7!!

    We are still getting hosed and we continue to elect government dependent individuals. Did O'Brien and Geragosian have REAL jobs prior to government work? DeFronzo? Tercyak?

    Good luck. We will turning off the lights when we leave also.

  2. It would be very interesting to see where these rich folks from California, Connecticut, Maryland end up.

    THAT is where I would open a new business!

    Yet these same people that live in blue states and VOTE for blue candidates vote with their feet and move to red states. Come on people.
    Start voting the "right" way.

  3. We are still getting hosed and we continue to elect government dependent individuals. Did O'Brien and Geragosian have REAL jobs prior to government work? DeFronzo? Tercyak?

    DeFronzo was a state employee who was on paid leave from his job to be the President of state teachers union, then continued his leave to be 2 term mayor of New Britain (unpaid, but received retirement credit from the state for the 4 years he was on leave to be mayor) then retired from his state job to run for the state senate against Bozek. Maybe there is a real job in there somewhere? Maybe when he was busy being a conscientious objector to the war?

  4. by the end of the year, the population of Texas should exceed 100 million, and the rest of the country will be bankrupt.
