Wednesday, May 27, 2009

O’Brien: Health bills a big savings - The New Britain Herald (

O’Brien: Health bills a big savings - The New Britain Herald (

by: James Craven


  1. Anytime government gets involved with ANYTHING they tend to screw it up. ALWAYS.

    Social Security is going, if not already, broke. MediCare/MediCaid BROKE. Post office-this is priceless- people are using them less because of the internet and computers and their response is to INCREASE POSTAGE and not CUT COSTS. DMV-paleeze!

    Doesn't O'Brien get this fact?

    Ask the hospitals. Ask the doctors. Ask New Britain EMS. They all are getting cut by the state and feds and in many years are bleeding money. Some hospitals are closing. Docs leaving their profession.

    O'Brien and other liberals aren't SOLVING the medical insurance problems. They are just saying the government (US WORKING CLASS STIFFS) will pay for this "free" or "reduce premium" coverage.

    Come on already. The cart is heavy enough! Others (other than us working folks) have got to start paying their fair share.


  2. I respectfully disagree with the above statement. Liberal or conservative, we should all agree that the main role of government is to protect its citizenry.

    The reason reimbursements have come down for docs is because the insurance companies are skimming of the top, don't cover preexsting conditions and pass the buck off to the taxpayer.

    Obriens bill is a good one.

  3. Ct House Speaker Donovan, Rep. Tim O'Brien and all of New Britain's ulta liberal representatives have been pushing this state sponsored health care program for a long time. These liberals are throwing around figures of the millions of dollars in savings that will accrue to the state, municipalities and small businesses. Not one of them has shown hard data in spreadsheets, etc. as to where and how these savings will develop. Is it magic? Smoke and mirrors? From where will the savings come? I don't buy the Herald's volatility argument either. The more people you put into an insurance pool the more you are likely to include more with potential catastophic illnesses. Initial savings will be diminished while costs for premiums increase. In addition, cities will lose one of the bargaining chips they have in negotiating with labor unions. This plan nothing more than an extension of Obama's - and liberals in general - forcing us deeper and deeper into a Socialist state. If any of you readers have relatives living in Canada, ask them about socialized health care. I hope the Governor vetoes this mockery again.

  4. They tried this in California and Massachusetts. It didn't work there, but somehow Mr. O'Brien is going to make it work here?

    Same idea as printing money and government spending has never worked to help the economy anywhere in the history of the world, but somehow Obama is going to make it work here.

  5. WHOA! The government is supposed to protect us from FOREIGN powers. We are being turned into a nanny state by the bogus claim of "protection".

    Protection from whom? Ourselves? Health coverage and payment is the only product or service we use PERSONALLY that we don't tend to pay for.

    In any effort to control costs how will manufacturers or cities or towns negotiate health care coverage
    with their employees if the only game in town is the state of Connecticut?

    How would for profit providers compete with the state government if the government takes OUR MONEY and uses it against an entire industry?

    Socialists agree with more government power. The rest believe in the free market system. Again, I strongly believe government is the CAUSE of the problem here. And the solution is not MORE government.

  6. Democrat/liberals want the Hispanic vote so there'll be no stopping her -Sonia Sotomayor Hispanic nominee for Supreme Court.

    President Obama doesn't care a bit about who's best, he cares about who can benefit him politically and the Democratic Party.

  7. The issue of health care for all is a tough one. If you have had health insurance most of your life and find yourself insured today in a great program through your employer you might find the thought
    of changing to a goverment run program scary, un-certain and possibly a reduction in care that could potentially cost you your life should a medical emergency or long term illness strike you or one of your family members. Now
    switch gears and find yourself un-employed for whatever reason, layoff, illness etc and lose your medical coverage walk in those shoes and you would be greatful for
    goverment coverage. In this situation goverment care would be
    better than no care at all. To be able to have a test, see a doctor,
    obtain treatment, medication without fear of maybe losing your
    house, retirement savings. How many un-insured middle class citizens hide from necesssary medical care for fear of losing the little they have?

    I am currently priveledged to have
    medical insurance and yes it concerns me to have the goverment oversee and control my health care.
    As for the truly poor we already pay for their healthcare. They have nothing and nothing to lose so
    they readily go over to the hospital where they are taken care of on a daily basis and they pay nothing. This won't change. The wealthy I would assume will maintain their level of care through private means where necessary. So the change will come to the majority of us who rely
    on ourselves to just get by. We deserve the best in medical care afterall this is the Unites States and we are Americans. I ask, do you trust in our politcal system? so you trust in our politicians to do best by us? Do you trust for instance Chris Dodd
    to help determine your healthcare?
    Do you trust Tim O'Brien to decide
    on your health care? Nice guy but
    do you want him making decisions for you and your health?

  8. How Alderman Phil Sherwood created the Leslie Jacobs Conflict of Interest at NB Board of Education with her business as a home organizer...

    New Britain - The seeds of a Conflict of Interest surfaced in early November 2008 when Alderman Phil Sherwood side-tracked the GOP choice of Republican James Giontonio to fill a vacancy on the school board and engineered the appointment of his friend Leslie Jacobs (former school board member 1999-2003) for the Board of Education seat vacated by Marilyn Kraczkowski,a Republican,who resigned in September 2008.

    Mr. Giontonio has the Republican town committee's unanimous support for the spot. Jacobs, who served on the school board from 1999 to 2003, did not have the party's support. She clashed with fellow GOP members and after failing to win the party's endorsement in the 2003 municipal election, ran as a third-party candidate of the Working Families Party and lost.

    Anonymous said...Ms. Jacobs runs her own business as a home organizer. Her motivation is only to get her name out there thinking it might help her business through conducing her two night classes (280 and 285) at New Britain High School.

    When Superintendent Dr. Kurtz and Board of Education President Sharon Saavedra were inform of the Conflict of Interest pertaining to Instructor Ms. Jacobs, The Board terminate her position and her two classes (280 Drop the Weight by Losing Your Clutter – 285 Don’t Trash Their Memories).

    This is the Income that Ms. Jacobs lost from her Class Fee's as results of Sherwood's meedling with The Board of Ed vacany: Residents $20 - Non-Residents $25.

  9. How Alderman Phil Sherwood created the Leslie Jacobs Conflict of Interest at NB Board of Education with her business as a home organizer...

    Not to worry, Phony Phil will no doubt finagle a much more desirable appointment for Ms. Jacobs--one where she can make up this lost income at the expense of the taxpayers.

  10. This program that is being pushed by O'Brien and his buddies on the NB Council (Sherwood Gerratana, Tueworthy, Bielinski, Hermanowski, etc.,) is designed to do a couple of things: get O'Brien and his buddies more juice with the state health care unions and push us even more toward socialism. O'Brien and the totally liberal NB contingent of state legislators and our liberal Common Council members are nothing more than big windbags that have been singing the same song for years. O'Brien should stick to investigating dead fish at Stanley Park and flip flopping on water department land sales. This is what happens when you have someone who has never known what it is to have to real job>

  11. Anytime Sherwood gets involved with ANYTHING he tends to muddy it up.

    When Superintendent Dr. Kurtz and Board of Education President Sharon Saavedra were inform of the Conflict of Interest pertaining to Instructor Ms. Jacobs, The Board terminate her Instructor job and her two classes at New Britain High School entitled (280 Drop the Weight by Losing Your Clutter and 285 Don’t Trash Their Memories).

    The question is how did Ms Jacobs establish an organizing Clutter Class at Trinity on Main, which is now charging $15 admission for her Clutter Class?

    Because her mentor Sherwood set up the Trinity on Main deals so Ms. Jacobs could conduct her two-hour money making class. And, because of all the controversy she's caused in the past, Trinity-On-Main should raise their fund maker by having their tag sale, and no Ms. Jacob’s class on organization of clutter.

    However, the admission fee to her class at Trinity-On-Main will be $15 with Material Fee of $5 dollars payable to Instructor Leslie Jacobs.

    Her Fee at New Britain High School two classes were NB residents $20 and Non-Residents $25 with Material Fee of $5 dollars.

  12. The Herald-Trinity-On-Main Story.

    Leslie Jacobs, by her own admission, isn’t the best person to be in charge of the fundrising white elephant sale Trinity-On-Main is holding. Her job to organize the items and help stick price tags on them, but as she surveyed the mess she shook her head in dismay.

    “I am the world’s worst person to be in charge of this,” Jacobs said. “I would donate everything to Goodwill.”
