Thursday, August 27, 2009

ObamaCzar Advocating Genocide against Americans?



  1. Marxist Lloyd (one of the most radical of the Obama appointed Czars) outlines how the willing media can and should be used against government opposition, in order to silence and then end free speech. That is chilling enough. But, wait folks. It gets worse—much, much worse. This one may make you physically ill.

    In one of the most terrifying messages yet from an Obama (not the United States) Government, current Obama Czar Lloyd talks about the Rwandan Hutu’s (he calls the Hutus “one tribe”) use of its media in order to affect “social change” via genocide. Note: Approximately 800,000 Tutsis were slaughtered in 100 days.

    Lloyd initially speaks casually and then exhibits smiles as he continues when he says: “State radio in Rwanda was taken over by one tribe-one group-and they began to put out propaganda so that the Tutsis were targeted. And what resulted…was essentially genocide in Rwanda. The State, or this particular tribe which controlled the radio, very purposefully moved to ensure they could ‘do things’. Uh, their social change. Uh, in Venezuela and with Chavez—really an incredible revolution ’democratic’ revolution—to begin to put in place things that are going to have an impact on the people of Venezuela. The property owners and the folks then controlling the media of Venezuela rebelled, worked frankly with folks here in the US government—worked to oust him. But, he came back in another revolution!” Translation: “We need to take a look at how the Hutus handled their opposition and use it as a potential model for the USA. After all, if those who oppose us are dead they can’t warn the people we’re planning to crush by telling the truth about us.

  2. if you speak against the communist dictator, you must be silenced.

  3. What does this tell you about the anointed one that he surrounds himself with radical extremists like this?

  4. Sounds like Michael Vick's attitude about dogs. Typical !
