Thursday, August 27, 2009

State Representative Tim O’Brien Supports Obama’s Plan for the Government to Run Your Health Care!

EDITORIAL BY: frank smith

Despite the fact that the majority of Americans oppose Obama’s health care plan, State Representative Tim O’Brien was quoted in the Herald today as supporting passage of what he is now calling the “Kennedy Act.”

All of the credible polls show that the majority of Americans oppose Obama’s plan and that the majority of Americans are happy with their current health care and that the majority of Americans are even opposed to the government passing any changes to their health care, and yet Representative O’Brien joins his fellow “elitist” Democrats in ignoring the wishes of the people and supports ramming this massive government power grab down all of our throats. As Ronald Reagan said in 1961, socialized medicine is not about health care, it is about a hidden agenda to transform this country into socialism.

Nothing could be clearer after reading HB3200, Obama’s plan for the federal government to take over the entire health care system in this country. Despite the Democrat’s claims to the contrary, the bill creates a “Health Choices Commissioner” who is nothing more than another Obama Czar, that will have massive powers over you, and your health care and whether or not you even are allowed health care (unless you are an illegal alien and then you are guaranteed free coverage while citizens must pay for their care). The Health Choices Commissioner will have the power to dictate most of your health care decisions, instead of your doctor—if you are even allowed a doctor.

Representative O’Brien is spending his time joining the Democrats in Congress in ignoring the wishes of the people by pledging support for the Kennedy plan—a massive government power grab. I suppose that Representative O’Brien is proud to be making history by being part of the legislative session that has carried this state the longest period in history without a state budget. Instead of running around supporting massive spending and power grabs in Congress, perhaps Representative O’Brien would show true leadership by going back to the legislature and finding ways to cut spending and deliver a budget for our state, but that would go against all of the huge spending increases he has supported and voted for during his tenure in the legislature.

Now is that the kind of leadership we need in City Hall?


  1. You might think that with the door to door glad handing that he claims to do that he might understand that the majority of his constituants do not want this bill to pass.

    But then again maybe John Mcnamara didn't tell him what that.

  2. I suppose that Representative O’Brien is proud to be making history by being part of the legislative session that has carried this state the longest period in history without a state budget----Didn't O'Brien vote to override Governor Rell's veto of a free health care bill that was estimated to increase state spending by over $1 billion when we were already had a $9 billion budget deficit? Sounds like responsible management to me, just spend, spend, spend, whether or not you even have the money to spend.

  3. what a philosophy. forcibly take money from the people who work and use it to reward the people who don't work.

  4. Independent voter said... But then again maybe John Mcnamara didn't tell him what that. Independent voter meant to say...But then again maybe John Mcnamara didn't tell him that.

  5. Does O'Brien do anything without getting his marching orders from Little Mac the lesser one?

  6. Perhaps Congressman Murphy would be well advised to listen to Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu who just called Obama's national health care plan "IMMORAL" because it would bankrupt the country.

  7. could they crap on the elderly anymore than they have?

    no raises in social security for 2 years, and we are going to cancel your medicare and put you in a national health care system where an Obama Czar will decide if you live or die.

  8. The biggest lie of all is that you get all this health care for free. If that is true, why do you have to grant them access to your bank account so they can automatically deduct money from your account?

    Is Obama lying when he promises everyone everything for free?

  9. What's scary about Tim O'Brien is the fact that be would become another Mayor DeStefano and grant amnesty to illegal aliens and give them city welfare and medical.

    Has he ever had a job in Private Industry or has he always lived off of the state tax payers? Just curious.
    Will he also disclose how much he pays in property taxes thanks to his buddy - Phil Scarewood's amendment?

  10. Why is Murphy afraid to face his constituents. What has he done that he is so ashamed of?

  11. When is Tim O'Brien going to release a family photo? Surely, we would want to know all about our candidate. Is it true that he met his wife on the internet? We have a right to know if our candidate is quirky or what!! Is it true that he never paid property taxes in New Britain. Does he live on state jobs?

  12. Since Mr. O'Brien has lived in New Britain, it is a FACT that he has not held any kind of job not funded by taxpayer dollars. In addition to that, his only job right now, is serving as a state representative (which he doesn't do a very good job at), and which doesn't pay the bills. Amazing how he manages that. Maybe thats why he wears the same shirt && tie everyday.

  13. Let's give Ted Kennedy a real tribute by renaming the President's massive take-over of government run health care bill the "Mary Jo Kopechne Memorial Bill" so that when it drowns in the Senate, it will be a real tribute to Kennedy.

  14. The answer to all the questions posed is, NO! O'Brien is a leech on the public. Doesn't know what it is to do honest labor. Does he pay S.S.? Shake his hand and you'll come up with KY jelly. What a slug!

  15. New Rasmussen Poll just out:

    70% of Americans favor smaller government and lower taxes!

  16. Frank If it wasn't for you and Erin Stewart over the the Bizy Bee there would be nobody telling it like it is.

    Keep it going

  17. After returning from vacation, I am not surprised to learn that a liberal like O'Brien would openly support government seizing control of our entire health care system. His record is clear, he never met a tax he didn't support raising, or a free handout he didn't like funding with our money.

    Can you imagine what a disaster his brand of tax and spend management would be in city hall?

    Tim Stewart has done a remarkable job holding the line on taxes. While the cities run by Democrats are virtually bankrupt, New Britain is in excellent financial condition under Tim Stewart's stewardship.

    Just imagine what Tim could accomplish with a city council that worked with him, instead of against him? Isn't it about time we elected a city council that put the needs of New Britain above their own political agendas?

  18. Does O'Brien have to call Little Mac to get permission to wipe his butt?

    I wonder if Little Mac tells him how sheets of T.P. to use?

  19. He wears the same clothes all the time and you never see him in public with his family?

  20. I think the first ads used in the campaign against all these "WFP" candidates should be:

    Tim Obrien and his slate are endorsed by the Working Families Party, Acorn, and the CCAG!!!!!

    I also would ask the New Britain Herald publishers why they are not reporting on Congressman Chris Murphy's failure to meet with his constituents in a town hall style meeting when in years past he seemed to openly endorse them as a way for his constituent to be heard by the people they elected to represent them.

    These guys are digging their own graves and they don’t even know.

