Monday, September 21, 2009

the DEBASER: Admitted Serial Poster Greg Gerratana Pulls Nomination as New Britain Tax Collector, But is He Just the Fallboy?


  1. Debaser has nailed it!

  2. As the herald has stated there are still issues with the Democratic leadership in New Britain. First and foremost in my opinion is the chairman of the Democratic Party in New Britain.

    The "we are sorry we got caught" attitude of Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Defronzo, Mr. McNamara and the rest of the elected Democratic officials are shameful.

    Mr. Gerratana's actions are just a reflection of the cavalier way that the DTC has run their party in recent years.

    Until New Britain Democrats remove the leadership of the town committee we will continue to see candidates and elected democrat officials who believe that the far left values of the WFP, Acorn, CCAG and alderpersons Trueworthy, Sherwood and company are the values of the typical democrat in New Britain.

  3. Time for New DTC Leadership...

    The time has arrived for the current New Britain DTC Town Chairman to step down - and for current Vice Chairman Robert Sanchez to step up to the plate - as the New Chairman of the New Britain DTC.

  4. Bob Sanchez is an OK guy in my book. However, his connections to Sherwood, Lopes, O'Brien and the NB HRA may prove to be problematic, especially when it comes to possibly influencing the distribution of HUD Funds.

  5. The Debaser raises a good question and so does Frank Smith. What did O'Brien know about this vicious activity and why is he changing his story?

    Why did O'Brien launch his own vicious attack against Republicans on Monday, when he admits he knew as early as the previous Friday that his own legislative aid admitted to being responsible for the postings?

    What kind of silly, childish games is O'Brien playing?

    Is this the kind of leadership we want in city hall?

    I think not!

  6. Let's face it this family has no credibilty. This kid lying about the email issue, living in the family "pool house" which is located in BERLIN and who knew and said nothing .... the kid, his mother, his aunt.

    Get out and don't come back. honest democrats can't support ever again.

  7. I guess he is free to move back to the pool house in Berlin.

  8. Why is the council asking Gerratana to resign?

    Their own Majority Leader, Michael Trueworthy was quoted in the Herald as saying “As far as I’m concerned this is something he did at his place of employment and I don’t have anything to say about it,” Trueworthy went on to blame the Herald for reporting the story in the first place, as if the Herald was responsible for the nasty comments that were written about the mayor's family from a state owned computer?

    From Trueworthy's comments, it gave me the impression that he approved of these actions, at least that was how it looked last week, so why now this week is he apparently asking Gerratana to resign? Why is he joining Representative O'Brien in throwing this young man under the bus? What is everyone so afraid of?
    Are they afraid the rest of the story might surface if he stays around?

  9. Mr. Garrantana ran for Alderman with a NB address and then moved to his parent's house in Berlin to
    "save money" to buy a house. All the while he sat on our council as an elected official making decisions for the taxpayers of NB!
    No big deal the house is the first
    one over the Kensington line.... it was just as good as being in NB right?

    Now he finds a house (in New Britain) just in time to run for tax collector except that he screws up attacking the mayor and his family so he finds himself out of the running and out of his "state aid" job too. I don't think a young man with a new house
    who is just starting out would take
    that kind of a risk.

    I agree that the Debaser has it nailed.

  10. Are the local leaders of the Dems circling the wagons because they got caught engaging in the worst smear campaign we have ever seen perpetrated against a public official here in New Britain?

  11. I am not convinced Gerratana did it.

    There are too many suspicious circumstances surrounding his admission to the officials at the Capitol right after giving a taped interview to the Herald where he insisted he had nothing to do with it and even told the reporter "I have never lied to you."

    I agree with the others who believe Gerratana is probably covering for someone else and will not be the least bit surprised when he emerges in a new appointment somewhere in the near future, no doubt in a job you and I are going to be paying for with our taxes.

  12. That may be true, they might give him a job as a reward for being the fall guy ? maybe

    But this incident will follow hime for the rest of his life.

    Just look Bill C. PHD and what by the does he live on ? does he have gainful employment ? Who is looking after Him ? This needs to be investigated.
