Monday, September 21, 2009


Mary Lou Sanders, Board of Assessment Appeals

Mary Lou Sanders has served 6 years on the Board of Assessment Appeals, including 4 years as the Board Chairperson.

Mary Lou has a lengthy career in nursing, having served as a nurse and nurse supervisor at Hartford Hospital, and nursing positions at Bojnowski Manor, and Hospital of Central Connecticut.

Mary Lou has worked for three sessions at the Connecticut Legislature and still works there as a Senate Transcriber. Mary Lou is currently the chairperson of the State Board of Examiners of Physical Therapists and a member of the Human Resources Agency Board of Directors.

Mary Lou also worked for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Connecticut where she examined claims, provided professional reviews, conducted provider audits, and handled institutional contracts and reimbursements.

Mary Lou has always served the Board of Assessment Appeals in an ethical and professional manner. Mary Lou says she has always cast her vote on appeals that were before the board with fairness based on the facts presented, without regard for any favoritism. Mary Lou promises to continue to respond to citizens who call her with questions about Board of Assessment Appeals business, and says that she looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the citizens of New Britain.


  1. I am sure Mary Lou Sanders will continue to serve the people of New Britain with the highest level of ethics and with the utmost professionalism that she has always demonstrated throughout her political and professional careers.

  2. What many people do not know about Mary Lou is that she has four children

    She has held the position of State President of the Hospital and Health Care Financial Management. Also she is the current State Secretary of the Sons of Italy.

    Education wise she has a BS & MA
    degree in nursing and financial management.
