Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the DEBASER: New Britain Mayoral Candidate Tim O'Brien Shoots Himself in the Foot


  1. Maybe O'Brien has some drawers he needs peaked through?

  2. Lopes has proven since 2003 when he was elected Alderman in NB that he is a low life who can't be trusted. Why DeFronzo didn't fire him is anybody's guess1 Why the Council didn't remove him from the Council in 2004 is well known; there were all Democrats on the Council at that time. That O'Brien would choose a tax scofflaw and desk rifler as his campaign manager says volumes about O'Brien's character. Do you want someone with questionable judgment running your city? O'brien is a joke; he should be run out of town.

  3. Sounds like he'd be a perfect candidate to work for "Peak-A-Boo" Dodd!

  4. Didn't he also have some car tax issues when he served on the council? Something about registering his vehicle somewhere else to save himself money?

  5. Senate Democrats considered actions of Tim O'Brien's campaign manager UNPROFESSIONAL!

    "Although the actions of the employees were not criminal, it should be clear that Senate Democrats take this situation very seriously and consider the behavior of the individuals unprofessional and unacceptable," said Patrick Scully, spokesman for the Senate Democrats, in a statement.

    "Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken in this case."

  6. Sounds like O'Brien followed Obama's example with the appointment of Vann Jones as Green Jobs Czar?
