Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Capitol police investigating Lopes - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com) (JAN 2007)



  1. New Britain

    Lopes cleared of criminal charges
    NEW BRITAIN - Richard Lopes and Stephen Palmer were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing on Friday, according to a report by the Capitol Police Department.

    Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:00 AM EST

    By By: Kerry Heeran

    NEW BRITAIN - Richard Lopes and Stephen Palmer were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing on Friday, according to a report by the Capitol Police Department.

    Lopes, a former city alderman, and Palmer, clerk for the Government Administration and Elections office, were accused

    of going through the desk

    of Republican clerk Juliana Simone.

    According to a statement released Friday, Capitol Police Department Chief Michael Fallon concluded that the actions of Lopes and Palmer were not criminal.

    "The investigation did not prove or disprove the counter allegation by Mr. Palmer of previous desk-tampering involving his desk and others in the GAE committee office by Ms. Simone. However, a video review of the one specific date that Mr. Pamer provided to investigators revealed no such activity having occurred."

    The investigation by police included reviewing the GAE security camera, photography and interviews of Simone, Lopes, Palmer and potential witnesses.

    "I feel like I was violated and harassed and continue to feel I am working in a hostile work environment," said Simone in an interview with police.

    According to the police report, "Lopes stated that he walked into the GAE area to have a conversation with Palmer. Lopes said that Palmer told him about the rumor about Simone going through Palmer's desk. Lopes told me that he sat at Simone's workstation and moved some items (phone, papers) around. Lopes described his activity as a prank."

    The videotape shows Lopes sitting down at Simone's workshop for a total of 4 minutes and rearranging items on her desk.

    "Although the actions of the employees were not criminal, it should be clear that Senate Democrats take this situation very seriously and consider the behavior of the individuals unprofessional and unacceptable," said Patrick Scully, spokesman for the Senate Democrats, in a statement.

    "Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken in this case."

    URL: http://www.newbritainherald.com/articles/2007/02/03/new britain/17804003.prt

    © 2009 newbritainherald.com, a Journal Register Property

  2. The same thing happened in NB in 2004 when Lopes was cited for registering his vehicles in W. Htfd. to avoid paying NB taxes. The Nb Council at the time did noting to discipline Lopes. Typical. Lopes will do something stupid again as long as he is protected by DeFronzo and other Dems.

  3. What about the 4 minute security video of him snooping through the guy's desk?

    It also said no criminal charges would be brought, but disciplinary action would be taken.

  4. "Although the actions of the employees were not criminal, it should be clear that Senate Democrats take this situation very seriously and consider the behavior of the individuals unprofessional and unacceptable," said Patrick Scully, spokesman for the Senate Democrats, in a statement.

    "Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken in this case."

  5. What are Tim O'Brien and the Democrats thinking by making Richard Lopes his campaign manager? If there were any chance in Hell that O'Brien would be elected mayor, it's gone with the wind now.

  6. Ironic how this is news while the mayor is in the middle of taking care of his slumlord buddies by gutting the blight laws.

    Ironic how this is news, but no one mentions that Lou Salvio and his wife were caught, found guilty and convicted of stealing from their own campaign fund. Unlike Lopes & Palmer who were exonerated, the Salvio's were guilty and paid hefty fines and had accept guilty verdicts from a judge!

  7. " Anonymous said...
    Ironic how this is news while the mayor is in the middle of taking care of his slumlord buddies by gutting the blight laws.

    Ironic how this is news, but no one mentions that Lou Salvio and his wife were caught, found guilty and convicted of stealing from their own campaign fund. Unlike Lopes & Palmer who were exonerated, the Salvio's were guilty and paid hefty fines and had accept guilty verdicts from a judge!"

    Notice that this comment was received and posted at 10:30 p.m., last night, after the PZH meeting. This is typical of all Sherwood/Lopes dirty tricks. If the author(s) of the comments were to be exposed the comments would be understood to be those of two pathological liars who stoop to attacking innocent spouses of candidates. Incidentally, there was no judge involved only the State Elections Enforcement Commission. Find out who heads up that group (you want to talk conflicts and fines) and who is a member of that Commission.

  8. For those defending the actions by former alderman Lopes. Imagine for a second that say Ms. Simone had gone through Lopes’ desk, would you still be brushing it off? I doubt it. If Aldermen Mark Bernacki and/or Lou Salvio had registered their cars in West Hartford would you be brushing it off? I doubt it.

    Maybe we should ask the resident ethics expert what he thinks of a 4 minute tape that clearly shows Lopes and fellow cohort Palmer rifling through a clerk of the Government Administration and Elections office's desk.

    Mr. Sherwood is that unethical?

    How about alderpersons registering their cars in other municipalities?

    Where oh where is the outrage! Where are the demands that Mr. O'Brien remove these types of folks from his campaign???

    Cricket, cricket, cricket (still no comment Mr. ethics?)

    I thought that might be the response.
