Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gateway Pundit: Perfect... Injured Thug Who Beat Ken Gladney Asks For Workman's Comp From the SEIU For His "Work" Injury


  1. Its funny how these "Union Members" only show up to support "God" Obama. Why is that? You never see ACORN or any of the other idiots on our side.
    Makes you wonder.
    We have to STAY ON TRACK!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know the name of the Workman's Comp Company that he will be filling a claim with? We have to let them know that won't allow our tax dollars to be paid out to a criminal who was on "Obama's dime.

  2. What A Surprise!
    Typical Democrat: except someone else to take care of the problem you created for yourself!

  3. I am a union member and have been one for 30 years. I am embarrassed with the manner so called union members are acting. I remember when these so called union members representing the socialist workers party would show up at our workplace.and have their butts handed to them.

  4. Black people in America need a hand. They have been set back so far by the policies of the Democrat Party for these past 50 years that they actually are disadvantaged.

  5. So if I go to work and break my hand beating my boss, I get workman's comp?

    What a great country!

  6. MIDDLETOWN - A former teacher who opened up a Pilates and yoga studio while out on disability was charged with workers' compensation fraud today, a chief state's attorney's spokesman said.

    Apparently, he should have beat someone up instead?
