Monday, September 21, 2009

Green Jobs and a Green Economy Will Fail Like Van Jones


  1. The tax that goes with the cap and trade is the real problem

  2. Is there any doubt, anything Obama touches turns to crap and costs about 10 times what he claims it will.

    Why do you think 65% of American doctors are opposed to the federal government interfering in any way with health care and 45% say they will stop being doctors before they will work under this socialist system Obama continues to peddle like a snake oil salesman.

  3. O'Brien is bringing the "green message" to New Britain in a meeting held Monday nite on Broad Street. This is the start of a new
    cruncy granola enviroment right here in our hometown. This should
    take off like a shot in our demographic.

  4. Check out, page 5 of the WSJ for September 22. It is a full page ad entitled, We are the private sector. And we've had enough.

    It is a great read for those of us who are very upset abou Obama trying to change our country as we know and love it.

  5. Biden on 2010: If GOP Succeeds, It’s ‘The End of the Road for What Barack and I Are Trying to Do’---HALLELUJAH!

    The end of socialism in America is near!

  6. NY Governor Paterson blames weak Obama record for friction between them.

    Even a blind man can see Obama is a failure!
