Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News -


  1. Glenn Beck is responsible for getting this radical canned. Keep up the great job, GLENN!

  2. Glenn Beck is THE MAN!

    No wonder he is the 2nd most watched news program in America, second only to Bill O'Reilly!!!!!!!!

  3. Quite a collection of radicals under Obama's bus. Van Jones' written resignation was pathetic as he continues his paranoia rambling in blaming others for his fall from Obama's Czar collection of radicals.

  4. The liberal media is bought and paid for and will do nothing to cause ripples in Obama's pond. If it weren't for a handfull of people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, Obama would have all of us in the dark about what is actually happening.

    How much did you read about this radical extremist in the New Britain Herald???

  5. We've raised many issues as the Tea Party Express has crossed the nation - and one of the issues we've pushed the hardest on has been our opposition to what amounts to Barack Obama's "Shadow Government" with all his "czars" that are not subject to congressional approval.

    One of the worst czars was Van Jones whose views are so extreme and at times anti-American that they made him unsuitable to serve this nation in government. Our Vice Chair, Blue Star Mom Deborah Johns, had called for his resignation and pushed hard with the media for them to report the truth on Jones' record.

    And it worked! As you all heard, last night it was announced that Van Jones was resigning his post.

  6. The resignation of Van Jones, White House environmental jobs "czar" is as much a cable TV story as it is a Washington political one. Mr. Jones who was appointed by President Barack Obama to a high level position as a special adviser on "green jobs" and the environment was exposed in recent weeks for using coarse and reckless language in public meetings and signing a petition that suggested members of former President George W. Bush's administration might have known about the 9/11 attacks in advance and still allowed them to happen.

    The media entity that first brought much of the information to light that led to Jones resignation - information that the Obama administration either didn't know about or knowingly looked away from in appointing Jones - wasn't NBC or ABC News or even the New York Times.

    It was the controversial Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck, who has a bit of existing history about Jones
    and his organization ColorOfChange, that Jones co-founded and then launched a boycott against Glenn Beck's show that generated considerable publicity and lost of Glenn Beck sponsors.

  7. It was this story that shot Glenn Beck up in the ratings to become the 2nd most watched cable news program in America for 2 weeks running.

  8. Mr. Van Jones, Glenn Beck, Cable TV Combat and Drive-by-Media?

    It's time for the AP, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT and LA Times to close their doors. Why were these news media all silent on the history of Mr. Van Jones - the White House environmental jobs "czar" - and why are these silent news media still in reporting business?

    What does matter is that once the facts about Mr. Jones were aired on the Fox News channel by Glenn Beck it was time for Mr. Jones to resign and move on?

  9. Beck on Jones' Resignation: 'Americans Stood Up'

    The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.

  10. A big victory for Glenn Beck who led the charge against this jerk!
