Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Thorn Regarding the New Britain 2009 Elections

I would never vote for anyone who accepts the radical endorsement of Working Families Party, which is a front group for ACORN.

As Bertha Lewis, ACORN New York Executive Director and co-founder of WFP has been quoted as saying, when you see that endorsement, you know it is a candidate that supports certain ideals, and in my opinion any ideals that this group of extremists would support are anti-American.

Lewis was also quoted as saying that after the candidate wins their election, they can expect her group to come knocking. Do we really want our city run by people who are beholden to these radicals???


  1. Having a persons name twice on a ballot is just wrong. It is as simple as that.

  2. Before you know it, it will be the same name on all lines and you will only be able to vote for one person for each office.

  3. All I know is that anyone that would associate with such radical extremists is a socialist radical candidate that I would never vote for.

    In my opinion, anyone who would accept this nomination is simply un-American.

  4. " Anonymous said...
    All I know is that anyone that would associate with such radical extremists is a socialist radical candidate that I would never vote for.

    In my opinion, anyone who would accept this nomination is simply un-American.

    September 6, 2009 10:47 PM"

    Anonymous said, 9/7/09:

    Ditto on the blog above. Remember, so far, the Working Families Party - that name is a joke - has endorsed in New Britain: O'Brien, Gerratana for Tax Collector; Bielinski (gerratana's aunt) for Town Clerk; militant union agitator Marie Lausch/city employee for Council; Sherwood (CCAG/ACORN/WFP/socialist/ultra liberal/ militant union agitator) for Council; Trueworthy (cited for multiple conflicts of interest/ultra liberal/WFP/socialist agitator) for Council; Catanzaro for Council (multle levels of ethics & conflict of interest violations/union agitator/ tax scofflaw, and more endorsements to come.

    These doubly endoesed (WFP) Democrats in other words, will give New Britain more of the same if they are reelected. Reading voters beware!

  5. The candidates being endorsed by the Democratic Party AND Working Families are trying to pull the wool over our eyes...Do they think having their names on the ballot twice will have some voters think if they vote for the candidate in both places on the ballot, the candidate will tally more votes? The voters are not stupid...get a grip!
