Friday, October 2, 2009

ACORN Legal Memo Confirms Depths of Troubles


Anonymous said...

ACORN’s lawyer warned ACORN 15 months ago to begin fixing its massive internal problems or face certain catastrophe. It chose to do nothing.

An still we have a bunch of Democrats who welcome them to town and embrace them as a good thing for New Britain?

Anonymous said...

I don't expect it will be too long until we are reading about a scandal involving ACORN here in NB

Anonymous said...

Kirstin Gillibrand is ACORN’s Trojan horse. She is a hollow soulless being who will help America’s enemies destroy us to stay in power. Tuesday she proved she puts herself above our country.

When the Senate voted 83 to 7 to order HUD to cut off funding for ACORN two thoughts came to mind.

All the “Nos” were Democrats since Democrats are enemies of real America -no surprise to that.

Next there was a name that didn’t “seem” to fit among the “Nos.”

Of course Durbin and Leahy were there but Kirsten Gillibrand (D) NY?

What’s the story? Lurking just beneath the surface is Gillibrand’s connection to the most malignant force in New York and America’s politics, the Working Families Party (WFP).

Before being elected to Congress Gillibrand was a generally apolitical liberal working in Washington, and initially she tried being a Blue Dog, even voting correctly a gun rights issue.

Working Families is ACORN

Gillibrand’s Blue Dog days ended when her Senate seat was handed to her. She promptly sold her soul to the Working Families Party the anti American political arm of ACORN.

When she voted to continue funding ACORN, a group could end up being collapsed as a RICO organization, she was ORDERED to by the Working Families Party.

Gillibrand voted to give herself campaign money through the WFP.

This woman has to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

"Working Families is ACORN"

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