Friday, October 2, 2009

Mmm, mmm, mmm: Humpty Dumpty takes a great fall


Anonymous said...

mmm mmm mmm Barrack Hussein Dumbo!

Anonymous said...

IOC may have paid attention to the scandal and figured with Acorn dipping their hand into Presidential ballots and Housing it brought too much controversy & corruption ... It is sad for USA but you win some and lose some... Maybe if It were another state, we may have stood a chance. Possibly the Obama's and Oprah should have stayed home, and sent a neutral person representing US

Anonymous said...

Serves BHO right!! He goes around telling the whole world how awful the US is and apologizing all over the place for us...why would they want to put the Olympics in such an awful Country? He is a failure, will continue to be one and I am so glad that his poll numbers are dropping with each poll.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we elect O'Brien, he can promise to bring the Olympics to New Britain right after he restores the 29,400 manufacturing jobs he promises to restore?

Anonymous said...

Michael Moore's new movie casts U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd as a villain.

Anonymous said...

hehehehehohohohoahahah BLAME IT ON Bush..Doncha just luv it?

Anonymous said...

It was Bush's fault!...No wait, the International Olympic Committee officials are all racists. Maybe it's both!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter now says: "I Never Said Obama Protesters Were Racists"

Just another wack job Obama surrounds himself with.

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