Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Closed Candidacy


The O’Brien Campaign has mystified many, including myself, with his closing his New Britain Community News web site to only those who will sign in, but many who attempt to sign in are being denied access for whatever political reasons.

This certainly speaks to the open government policy he promised by denying his website to so many residents of New Britain.

I can just imagine if his campaign were successful, who he might choose to deny access to at City Hall?


  1. Is anyone really surprised with anything that happens when it comes to the NBDTC and their candidates anymore? I wouldn't be surprised to see McNamara and his ilk featured on Glenn Beck with all the garbage that's been strewn around this political season. I hope and pray that regular citizens in NB are aware of exactly what is going on. The NBDTC is the party of radicals, whereas the NBRTC represents the true face of New Britain: every age group, race, color, and creed is represented by this slate. Those running for the NBRTC need to make sure they communicate to voters exactly who they are, and why Team Stewart is the right team for New Britain

  2. If these democrats get elected I will not be able to pay taxes to this city anymore.

  3. What are the Democrats trying to hide? The Republican web page has information available to the public, including information on GOP candidates, and other information the public may be interested in. Check it out:

  4. The Democrats don't want you to know the truth about them, because they have much to hide. Radicals like these can only operate in secret. They only succeed when they are allowed to keep their radical ties and their radical agendas hidden from the public.

  5. Socialism needs secrecy to function, because if the public knew the truth, they would reject socialists, that is why they must lie to get their agendas passed.

  6. About Greg Gerratana; where is he working these days and for whom? Another O'Brien lie?

  7. NEW BRITAIN COMMUNITUY NEWS WEBSITE: This blog is open to invited readers only...WHY?

    It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author (Tim O'Brien) and request an invitation...WHY?

  8. I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. With a Democratic Senator having stepped up to the plate, in some form of weird twisted logic, to somehow try to blame the Republicans for this mess, I am still expecting Greg to unexpectedly get a miraculous appointment to a six figure state job somewhere as his reward for "taking one for the team."

    Isn't the normal practice in similar situations to just make up a "no show" job somewhere?

    Stay tuned for future developments once the dust clears!

  9. Many people "in the KNOW" insist that it is Rick Lopes that is responsible for all the nasty stuff that has been blogged. Gerratana was just a teenager when some of the things he purportedly blogged about took place.

    Now let's see the connections: Lopes has worked for DeFronzo for about six years; Lopes is now O'Brien's campaign manager (who is O'Brien's treasuere?); if Lopes is caught again violating his position at the Capitol he has to be fired; That would be a terrible embarrassment to DeFronzo and O'Brien; Gerratana has been in office as an alderman less than one term, ergo, he's expendable and agrees to take the rap for everthing; Gerratana confesses to The Herald that he's responsible for ALL of the nastiness the day after he denied it; O'Brien says he knew it but thought Greg should make the announcement; Greg gets a slap on the wrist from O'Brien and all is well. Really!!?? Could all that "know" be wrong? Don't think so.

  10. Hey Sherwood, Where's the beef?

  11. Apparently O'Brien feels the need to operate in secrecy? Why else would his web site require permission and a user ID to read what his campaign is up to?

  12. The NBDTC is not much better. Comment on one of their entries and you have to pay some sort of tribute before it gets approved. Even better, comments I have made on Tim O'Brien's blog have been DELETED because Tim could not handle or respond to criticism.

    Hats off to you Frank - you let differing opinions see the light of day the way any American would.
