Sunday, October 4, 2009 | Exposing Liberal Media Bias new video of this week


  1. On the local level, where was the coverage on Glenn Beck's hugely successful book signing at Borders on Saturday. I was there two hours early and was about 200th in line. There had to be about 1000 people waiting to shake his hand. Yes, he put a quick G for a signature on his book, "Arguing with Idiots". However, he took the time to shake every hand and look into everyone's eyes.

    He spoke into a bullhorn and told us that we were winning. He was cheered on like a rock star. Move over, Obama!

    Crowds like this are waiting for him everywhere he goes because "we are angry and we are not going to take it anymore"!

    No coverage in our liberals newspapers that I could see on line. I would not spend a dime on either newspaper.

  2. The Presidential election of Obama was always about his celebrity. Last year was a Presidential election but the media turned it into a vote for the Prom king!

    Now Obama has to play President and deal with realities. He lacks any executive experience. As a State Senator he always voted present.

    He no longer is campaigning to cheering crowds, however, he's still answering softball questions from an adoring loving Main Street Media.
