Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Democratic Caucus Should Take Immediate Action!


Mayor Pro-tempore, Alderman Michael Trueworthy, should immediately call for a Democratic caucus for the purpose of asking the majority leader to voluntary step down from his post, as majority leader. Failing Sherwood's cooperation, the caucus should start the proper action for his "immediate removal" from that position.

His constant agitating continues costing our city money for additional legal expenses, and now the expense of the police investigating an "unfounded" complaint. Our economy is suffering, tax collections are experiencing a shortfall because of the numerous unemployed taxpayers in town, and the most important priority for this Alderman continues to be agitating and disruption to the operations in city hall.

He continues to demonstrate no concern for the adversity his actions have caused to the city or its residents, and continues to demonstrate that the only priority for him is pushing his ultra liberal agenda at all cost and without regard for the taxpayers who have to pay for his nonsense. The only thing that seems to be bigger than his mouth as he bloviates endlessly at each council meeting, is this Alderman's imagined self importance.

The Democrats should take this action immediately to restore order to the legislative process. Most people in this city care more about how they are going to be able to afford their houses due to the increasing taxes, than they do about this one man's imagined self-importance. It is about time the council Democrats started listening to the taxpayers!


  1. Phil sherasole should be arrested for making a false statement! Then we can have him removed from office! I am exhausted with all this BS! I can't believe that his fellow D's can't see how wrong he is on so many issues. Forget about thousands, he is going to cost us millions if we don't get him out of NB!

  2. New Britain - Democrats on the NB council recently voted to appropriate $20,000 to hire an outside lawyer , but Stewart vetoed the expense. So Alderman Sherwood called a special meeting last Friday for an override vote, then canceled it. At Wednesday night's Council session, it was clear that Democrats stood no chance of prevailing.

    The Democrats hold 11 seats on the council and needed 10 to override Stewart veto, but three of their members – Alderwomen Sylvia Cruz, Tonilynn Collins and Shirley Black – didn't even attend Wednesday,s Council meeting. The Question... Why?

  3. Sherwood and Trueworthy could never be removed; from where would the votes come to remove them? These two are never chall;enged by their caucus. They don't realize that they are chosen to run for office specifically so that Phil and Mike have guarteed votes for anything they want to do. Case in point - Sylvia Cruz; do the Dems miss her? Sylvia hasn't been around for months but she still gets a check from the City.
    Remove a Dem from the Council? Fat chance!

  4. Kudos to Mayor Stewart for holding his ground! The school board has always remained "top heavy" and until that changes there will be always be issues. Further, New Britain has a high number of residents on fixed incomes who cannot afford tax increases period.

    The council democrats need to understand that you can not just give money away to the BOE. We wonder, why they have never opened their books to the - ( their true books )- to the council. If you have ever sat through a BOE public meeting in June - it is like they hit the lotto - spend, spend, spend so they do not have to give the money back to the city.

  5. Hurry up. I'm turning blue!

  6. Why can't the mayor simply issue one of his warrants for the Superintendant to produce the books--all the books?

    §10-6 Special Powers of the Mayor with Regard to the financial matters of the
    The Mayor or designee shall have the full power to require each City department,
    including the Board of Education and Department of Education, or officer to
    furnish all of the information and to make available all books, contracts,
    resolutions, reports, financial information or other materials in its possession,
    requisite to prepare such monthly reports, annual estimates and any other
    information, as determined by Ordinance, relating to the financial condition of the

  7. We have a mayor that is a little punk
    Do you think the cops would have gone against little timmy,they have a lot to loose with the contract if they did.

  8. Rich:

    It's to the point where nobody listens to or cares for your pejorative statements about certain NB Republicans.

    Try getting a job and/or crawling back into your hovel. While you're at it, learn how to spell.

  9. besides, after that deal where Sherwood tried to get the city (taxpayers) to pay for a lawyer to represent Marzi in a civil suit, everyone is aware of his close association with Sherwood.

  10. Apparently Sherwood thinks the taxpayers should pay for lawyers all over the place as if we are a legal aid society?

  11. Hey Lou Salvio,when you speak you make people puke!You should give it a break and stop acting like a butt licker all the time

  12. Anonymous said...

    besides, after that deal where Sherwood tried to get the city (taxpayers) to pay for a lawyer to represent Marzi in a civil suit, everyone is aware of his close association with Sherwood

    Hey Idiot,You should understand the facts before you open your mouth

  13. Is that all you've got Rich? More name calling? Eat another pizza and get fatter. You're no match for any sensible person. Crawl back into your slimy hole.



    A resolution that would require the city to provide Richard Marzi, president of the North-Oak Revitalization Zone, legal counsel of his choosing at city expense was tabled without any action Wednesday.Alderman and Majority Leader Phil Sherwood proposed the resolution in response to a civil lawsuit filed by Benjamin Ancona, a landlord and property owner in the city.

    NOW WHO'S THE IDIOT????????

  15. Rich Marzi said...

    Hey Lou Salvio,when you speak you make people puke!You should give it a break and stop acting like a butt licker all the time....

    Lou Salvio has demonstrated countless times how much he cares about the future of New Britain and doing the right thing to keep taxes as low as possible for property owners--many of whom are having a tough enough time making ends meet. Alderman Salvio has proven himself to us for years. Lord only knows what this Marzi character cares about, but so far, I am not impressed!

  16. Typical Democrat--can't win the argument on its merits, so resort to name calling and demonizing of your opponent to divert attention from the original issue that you couldn't win in the first place.

  17. Was this what Senator McCain was referring to today when he talked about wrestling with a pig?

  18. Anonymous said...


    Hey Idiot,Are The NRZ's sanctioned by OPM and recognized by the city? Yes, and does the city receive grant money because they have neighborhood
    NRZ zones? yes,Now you are still an idiot

  19. Anonymous said...

    Is that all you've got Rich? More name calling? Eat another pizza and get fatter. You're no match for any sensible person. Crawl back into your slimy hole.

    You should get that arm of yours fixed,You are half a person

  20. Anonymous said...

    Was this what Senator McCain was referring to today when he talked about wrestling with a pig?

    July 18, 2010 3:22 PM

    No,he was referring to wrestling with that pig Linda M from the WWE
    thats running

  21. only a liberal loon would call Linda a pig, because she stands for everything that made America great:

    Smaller government

    Lower taxes

    Less government interference

    Must be you are fearful that she will cut off your welfare check and other government handouts?

  22. Having lost his big issue, and making himself the laughing stock of New Britain, has the little boy Sherwood crawled back under the rock that her crawled out of?
