Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Billboard Coming to a Highway Near You?


  1. Frank,
    Where did you get an advance photo of the new billboards for the NBDTC?

  2. Frank,
    Where did you get an advance photo of the new billboards for the NBDTC?

    I'm confused, is the guy in the photo on the right Little Mack?

  3. Calling Obama a socialist is neither racist nor radical.

    It is simply the truth!

  4. Websters Dictionary:
    communism: 1, any economic theory or system based on the ownership of all property by the community as a whole. 2, a) a hypothetical stage of socialism, as formulated by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and others, to be characterized by a classless and stateless society and the equal distribution of economic goods and to be achieved by revolutionary and dictatorial, rather than gradualistic means. b) the form of government in the USSR, China and other socialist states, professing to be working toward this stage by means of state planning and control of the economy, a one-party political structure, and an emphasis on the requirements of the state rather than on individual liberties; socialism. 3. a) a political movement for establishing a communist system. b) the doctrines, methods, etc. of the Communist parties. 4. loosely communalism

  5. Stanley should put one of these signs on the roof of their empty factory!

  6. The Stossel show this week is all about "Threats To Out Freedom." The more you listen to the description of the threats facing our freedoms, the more you will be convinced Stossel is talking about Sherwood and Trueworthy, not by name, but by actions!

  7. How's that hopey change working for all of you?

  8. If you believe Barack Obama's Justice Department is suing the State of Arizona simply to pander to his extreme liberal base... think again.

    The sad and shameful truth is that Obama's lawsuit against Arizona’s tough new immigration law is part of a grand scheme to ram Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens down the throats of the American people.

  9. To the jackass that said Stanley should be put on it. Are you effen dumb ??? Really are you ??? He and his family helped meke this city, with uncounted help , donations and founding fourthought. Let's see he was one of our founding fourfathers and mayors, the great work and development to our city to make it that. The great park system, coultual development and economical growth that we had during his life here. If it wasn't for folks like him. All of those free loaders we have here would actualy have to work for a living. Read about our history before you open you stupid hole !!! Maybe we should just let the dem's take over the city, throw out tax payers and see what happenes!!!

  10. Anonymous said...

    To the jackass that said Stanley should be put on it. Are you effen dumb ??? Really are you ??? He and his family helped meke this city, with uncounted help , donations and founding fourthought. Let's see he was one of our founding fourfathers and mayors, the great work and development to our city to make it that. The great park system, coultual development and economical growth that we had during his life here. If it wasn't for folks like him. All of those free loaders we have here would actualy have to work for a living. Read about our history before you open you stupid hole !!! Maybe we should just let the dem's take over the city, throw out tax payers and see what happenes!!!

    .......What does any of this have to do with whether or not Stanley should put one of these billboards on their empty building???????

  11. Is that supposed to be Sherwood, Trueworthy and Little Mac?
