Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mayor Stewart:

Due to the continued economic downturn, City employees have been asked for financial givebacks. As elected City leaders we felt that we should also provide a giveback to help out our City.

Therefore, this week, City of New Britain Republican Common Council members, Mark Bernacki, Mary Marrocco, Wilfredo Pabon and Lou Salvio each elected to give back to the City, 5% of their annual Council stipend. Council members receive an annual stipend of $3500. Bernacki and Salvio did this last year as well – Marrocco and Pabon had not yet been elected.”

Please accept this donation to the City on our behalf.

Thank you,

Mark Bernacki; Mary Marrocco; Wilfredo Pabon; Lou Salvio


  1. Have these same republicans crossed the isle and asked the same of the democratic majority?
    If not, I would hope that the dialogue has been opened up.
    If so, how many democratic council members are joining in the give back?

    If I recall correctly, the democrats said Lou and Mark were grand-standing and using the giveback last year.

    Ms. Cruz should just simply give back. She is always absent and or sleeping in her chair.

    Phil Sherwood should be sent a bill for all the problems he causes and the extra hours those problems command.

  2. I would expect the Dumbocrats to try and find a way to divvy up the givebacks among themselves. All Dumbocrats are ever for is what they can get for themselves!

  3. A Great Example!

    With the actions of the four Republican council members with their pledging a five percent return from their council stipend back to city.

    Hopefully, the Democratic members will not chose to resort to name calling like they did last year when the two Republicans made the same announcement but join the Republicans by offering the same pledge.

  4. " Anonymous said...
    Have these same republicans crossed the isle and asked the same of the democratic majority?
    If not, I would hope that the dialogue has been opened up.
    If so, how many democratic council members are joining in the give back?

    If I recall correctly, the democrats said Lou and Mark were grand-standing and using the giveback last year.

    Ms. Cruz should just simply give back. She is always absent and or sleeping in her chair.

    Phil Sherwood should be sent a bill for all the problems he causes and the extra hours those problems command.

    July 21, 2010 3:03 PM"

    Oh, I see. It's the job of Republicans to show the Council Dems how to act. It didn't work last year and it won't work now - let the Dems do what they will.

  5. Name calling is normal for Democrats.

    They can't win the arguments on the issues, because they are so radically extreme and against the will of the people, that they resort to vicious attacks on their opponents to detract from the real issues.

    Nothing will change because the Democrats stand for virtually everything the taxpayers oppose.

  6. Perhaps these liberals should move to the city of Bell, CA where in a city of 36,000 people, the city council meets twice per month and the council members are each paid over $100,000 a year. The mayor is paid $767,000 a year in a city half the size of New Britain! The mayor's salary amounts to $21.00 per man, woman and child in the entire city!

  7. Where else can 40 or 50 members of the public speak against an issue like the radical's attempt to hire that lawyer, and then their so-called elected representatives totally ignore the public and vote it through anyway?

    Thankfully Mayor Stewart had the cojones to veto this radical expense.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Have these same republicans crossed the isle and asked the same of the democratic majority?
    If not, I would hope that the dialogue has been opened up.
    If so, how many democratic council members are joining in the give back?

    If I recall correctly, the democrats said Lou and Mark were grand-standing and using the giveback last year.

    Ms. Cruz should just simply give back. She is always absent and or sleeping in her chair.

    Phil Sherwood should be sent a bill for all the problems he causes and the extra hours those problems command.
    July 21, 2010 3:03 PM

    Why should the Republicans cross the aisle and ask the Democratic majority to take a 5% cut in their council pay? Don't they have it in themselves to so?

  9. Phil Sherwood should be sent a bill for all the problems he causes and the extra hours those problems command.
    July 21, 2010 3:03 PM

    That would be one big bill since this little baby seems to exist mainly to upset the process about virtually everything--especially when it is something the mayor is trying to accomplish for the good of the city.

  10. No, the democrats do not have it within themselves to offer a giveback. And, working together, the discussion should be on the council table regardless of who raises the issue.

  11. The Democrats don't have it in them to offer a give back because they are greedy people out to fleece the public out of every dime they can get for themselves. Many of the council members already have government jobs getting huge salaries or are already collecting government retirements and free healthcare at taxpayer expenses, but you will not see them offer a dime to help the city.

  12. Anonymous said...
    " Anonymous said...
    Have these same republicans crossed the isle and asked the same of the democratic majority?
    If not, I would hope that the dialogue has been opened up.
    If so, how many democratic council members are joining in the give back?

    If I recall correctly, the democrats said Lou and Mark were grand-standing and using the giveback last year.

    Ms. Cruz should just simply give back. She is always absent and or sleeping in her chair.

    Phil Sherwood should be sent a bill for all the problems he causes and the extra hours those problems command.

    July 21, 2010 3:03 PM

    "Oh, I see. It's the job of Republicans to show the Council Dems how to act. It didn't work last year and it won't work now - let the Dems do what they will."

    July 21, 2010 6:32 PM"

    Frank: As for the comment above especially the last paragraph, my feelings exactly! Have the Democrat Council members ever treated the Republicans as equals? The Dems are controlled by Sherwood, Trueworthy and their 11 vote majority (when Cruz is there - she even accepts her quarterly check). The point is moot.

  13. Rather than join the Republicans in turning back part of their pay, I fully expect the radical fringe leading the council to resort to childish name calling. When they can't win on the issues, which is almost always, they resort to personal attacks on their opponents.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    Rather than join the Republicans in turning back part of their pay, I fully expect the radical fringe leading the council to resort to childish name calling. When they can't win on the issues, which is almost always, they resort to personal attacks on their opponents.

    July 23, 2010 4:35 PM"

    Frank: It's already happened; read the comments in the on-line Herald today. Sickening.

  15. NB Resident and TaxpayerJuly 24, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    The Democrats cannot afford to take a 5% decrease in their pay...they need the money to pay the legal fees they want to use to sue the Mayor, the city, etc.
    There's no legitimate reason the city should have to pay these legal fees.
