Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wal-Mart Strikes Back (Oh you will LOVE this one...) - Worth Reading


  1. Too bad WalMart didn't fight back the local yokels..Sherwood, O'Brien, etc, and Attorney General Blumenthal a few months ago when they stirred up trouble with Wal Mart. They may have stayed in New Britain..I don't completely buy the story that they left because of a high rate of employee theft.

  2. NB, this is true, too bad Walmart didn't decide to stay here and fight the radical extremists that are hijacking our city council and state legislature.

    Instead they picked up stakes and moved to get away from Sherwood, Trueworthy, O'Brien and company--taking 150 New Britain jobs with them.

    I wonder if Walmart is hiring enough Puerto Rican managers at their other locations to satisfy Sherwood and his band of extremists?

  3. Is that Dick "Loves To Sue Businesses Out of Existence" Blumenthal in the photo?

  4. So is the little child Sherwood proud of his accomplishment with the New Britain WalMart store?

  5. Apparently not, didn't he also drive away the developer for Pinnacle Heights with his stupid "Where's The Beef" comment, or is that still on the table???

  6. Hey Sherwood, what is the racial make-up of the current employees at the New Britain Wal-Mart store?

  7. The Working Families Party sign said: "Wal-Mart: do the right thing"

    They did, they moved the heck out of this town and away from you radical extremists!

    Now they have announced plans to hire as many as 500,000 new employees, and not even one of them will be in New Britain!

  8. I'm surprised Blumenidiot didn't find a way to force Wal-Mart to stay here like a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, like he is currently doing to Pratt & Whitney.

  9. Too bad the radicals coerced WalMart to close shop here in New Britain...but then, This is a high-class city, above the likes of Farmington, low income residents here, who would need a store with low priced products!!

  10. Do you blame Wal-Mart for leaving? What these zealots forget is that Wal-Mart as a taxpayer in the community, had a right to expect their elected representatives to represent their interests too.

    Instead, what they got were visions of Sherwood, O'Brien, Catanzaro, Blumenthal and other radicals picketing outside their store and demanding to be able to dictate what race each manager should be.

    Who in their right mind would want to run a business in such a hostile community?

  11. I don't blame Wal-Mart for leaving. I have the utmost respect for Wal-Mart. In fact I even do all my grocery shopping at the Wal-Mart Supercenter, not only because of the low prices, but because they are non-union! We all have choices to make an I choose not to do business with any company that employs union workers.

  12. I love how WalMart dealt with the one store that ever voted to join a union. They announced that they crunched the numbers and could no longer make a profit with a union in place, closed the store and fired every last one of those radicals who voted to join a socialist union!

    Anyone who smashes unions is my kind of store!

  13. Every time you drive by the empty building that once housed WalMart, just think to yourself you have Sherwood to thank for their leaving and taking 150 jobs with them!

  14. NB Resident and TaxpayerJuly 23, 2010 at 2:39 PM

    Has Sherwood, O'Brien, and company ever shopped at WalMart, or at least browsed through their stores to check out quality of merchandise and their prices?
    WalMart's prices are extremely reasonable for a city like New Britain. The location was just a couple of blocks from low-income housing, where may of their customers came from, because it was most affordable to them.

  15. The reason WalMart is able to offer such great prices is they are non-union! Unions destroy anything they touch.

  16. I'm surprised these radicals haven't converged on Target to run them out of town too, but then most of these brain dead Democrats probably don't even realize that Target is in New Britain.

  17. Sherwood better hurry, there's a business his band of radicals haven't run out of town yet. Better get Tercyak and the rest of the crew and block some traffic!

  18. Maybe they have enough Spanish managers at Target to satisfy Sherwood?
