Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bring The Fight To The Democrats On Medicare And Obamacare


  1. t’s time to take the gloves off and bring the fight to the Democrats who support Obamacare.

    When seniors understand that Obamacare is nothing more than a health rationing system, in which they will be the losers because Obamacare moves the decisions about their medical care to federal panels of “experts” interested in cutting costs at seniors’ expense, they will desert the Democrats in droves?

  2. I see Obama as the one pushing grandma in the wheel chair and shoving her off the cliff, but you got what you voted for.

    During the election, Obama told you he opposed giving grandma expensive medical treatments when all she needs is a pain pill as she waits to die.

    You voted for Obama, and now you are about to get your pain pill from Obamacare.
