Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mr. Brian Amet, PE

Mr. Brian Armet, PE the executive director of the sewer plant gave his explanation to the New Britain Council membership his reasons for the need for the one hundred million dollar addition to the plant with his citing the DEP orders requiring all plants to denitrificate it's nitrogen from being introduce into the Conn. river.

He continued explaining the need for two clarifiers in order to meet the 100 year flood condition when we would not be able to draw water from the Ct. river. He cited the need to improve our grit system, the replacement of our Incinerator, with many parts are beyond repair or life's use. He mentioned the Ifas media system was considered by the board members until a plant in Vt. had its i-fas media show up in the area beaches.

Mentioning a free generator agreement was now in question since the company that arranged it is in bankruptcy.

Mr. Armet mentioned a recent purchase of an adjacent property but neglected to answer and alderman's questions as to the cost of the purchase.

After citing the annual savings of $1,400,000 New Britain would realize with Middletown being allowed to join the District. With Berlin and Cromwell also seeing annual savings.

But with the questioning by the Alderman Mark Bernacki of his bonding cost to carry portions of the cost not covered by state grants that would cause an actual annual increase to all the three towns with Mr. Armet agreeing.

When Mr. Armet was questioned as to why not ship the sludge by rail or trucks to the MDC incinerator in order to cut our cost of this expansion he replied that we are more efficient in with lower cost of $80 per dry ton and the trucking cost would make it prohibitive.

The Sludge sub-committee had analyzed the cost per dry ton without including the administrative to be an approximate $157.00 per dry ton.

Mr. Armet in answering the council's questions as to why we do not have more sludge business cited competition from MDC, Naugatuck, and plants down near the shore.

This motion to allow Middletown to join the district was passed by the New Britain Council with Alderman Louis Salvio registering his vote of " NO."

All other town owners must pass their resolution or this matter will fail and it will be returned to the legislation for further review during their session next year.


  1. We cannot believe that former New Britain Mayor Lucian Pawlak is going to run for Mayor's seat. The former Mayor loved to spend.... and spend mentality with his out of control spending of those $$$$$$$..

    Taxpayers get ready for increase in your Property Taxes....Politician's just don't get it Taxpayers are fed up with the taxes. While working folk are working paying for all the freeloaders waiting for their monthly checks thanks to taxpayers the Democratic Politician's keep draining the Taxpayers wallet's.

    Here are a few suggestions:

    * Revamp Welfare (too many freeloaders)
    * Eliminate freebies "Illegal" immigrants
    * Revamp the Education system because it's not working.
    * Flat Rate for ALL Taxes
    * No freebies to Corporations

  2. I don't understand New Britain voluntarily giving up control of the board so easily. The way it is structured now, New Britain has total control because we have more directors than the other 2 towns combined. Why are we so willing to transfer the power to the other towns so that New Britain no longer is in control, especially since we paid for 70% of this plant since 1961?

  3. I heard Cris Carillo had to spend the morning in jail for the stuff Sherwood accused him of.

  4. How many teachers could be saved if we don't spend this $100 million dollars for a crap plant?

  5. Carillo was charged with illegal impersonation or something like that for creating the website that exposed sherwood's true colors. Can you believe that he was actually arrested?

  6. I wonder if the people of Middletown know they are going to have a convicted felon running their sewer plant?

  7. I have been told that the ED of the Mattbasssett claimed that sending the materail to the MDC is too costly.


    Has the Ciaty Council asked the MDC to price this proposal of taking all of the Mattbasset's material?
