Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Labor deal in hand, Malloy serves up red meat at the JJB


  1. Livingston is right about there being a war going on, but he is mistaken about who is being attacked.

    The unions are waging a war against the average taxpayer who has to pay the ever increasing taxes to fund the lavish lifestyle of the so-called "middle class" union members who have guaranteed jobs, guaranteed raises, and now 20 year and out pensions guaranteed at least until 2022.

    The real war is against the working class and the business operators, neither of whom have any of these benefits and yet will have to work harder than ever to pay the taxes to fund such a lifestyle for people who have it much better than the people footing the bill for their lifestyle ever dreamed of having it.

    And pay they will, thanks to Danny Boy passing the largest tax increases in Connecticut history to fund the bloat for his fellow union thugs.

  2. you and I must pay, and pay, and pay so state employees can live better than we do.

  3. Those of you who are not state employees need to start finding a 2nd job to up your support allowance for the state employees and their entitlements.
