Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Britain Board of Ed Saves All Day Kindergarten: NB City Journal


  1. Reality is amazing. The NB BOE has had its song and dance reviewed many times this year; the BOE has held its own public hearing on its budget, it has met twice with the Common Council, it has presented the show with the Finance Board and there has been a Council public hearing on the entire city budget. Same bombast and pontification as ever. What has been learned? As have many Council members, I have listened to the same dog and pony show for years, to wit, give us more money and things will change. "The proof is in the pudding." Largely, little has changed.
    Mark Bernacki probably asked the most important questions during the session: he pointed out that the questions he asked a year ago had yet to be answered. For example, why so many millions spent on busing and why can't we go back to neighborhood schools? Answer; we have to satisfy
    racial balance regulations - same answer as last year. NB has such a transient school population , how is this achieved? I asked, who keeps track of the numbers? Answer, "we do." Yeah, right.This went on all evening. Yes, I am cynical, after ???years of this, isn't everyone?
    Successes: we were told - for about the fourth time - that the HALS program had the highest scores of any middle school in the state. While that is a fine accomplishment for any school system, the fact is that the HALS program has highly selected students that have to pass a test to be admitted. Most middle schools in the state have many more than 150 students and have to take whoever is enrolled.
    Magnet schools: for the most part, the original purpose of magnet schools - racial balance - has largely been a failure; minority students of all kinds don't really want racial balance, they want a good education. Current magnet schools exist for anything but that reason. And that is a good thing in my opinion! Check out the problem Hartford is having with their magnet schools v. their other schools! I could go on and on but, "I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep."
    This session was, "same old, same old.!" One really positive thing I can say about this session, Dr. Kurtz and I engaged in some levity - it was refreshing. "

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