To the Editor,
I’m writing to you regarding the Costco proposal for New Britain. I am all for Costco coming to this area and am glad they have picked New Britain as a potential home. If Costco does come and make New Britain its home, they are going to bring 250 jobs to the area and also bring a big tax break for its current residents. Who in this day and age doesn’t need a job and also a tax break? The unemployment rate is sky high and I believe our taxes are going up, correct?
I understand the frustration many citizens are having regarding the land, the trails, the wooded areas, etc. ... but let’s sit and think a moment. Who’s using the trails? Who’s going into the wooded areas looking at the birds? No one I know and no one I’ve ever heard of before.
We have seen many businesses come into this area but then leave due to various reasons. Walmart and Shaw’s come to mind. But Costco is a strong company and we’d be crazy to turn their proposal down and let them move to another town/city. If they are willing to pay for all the planning, moving, construction, etc and not ask New Britain to pay for any of this building, then we’d be a fool to let them leave. New Britain needs more people coming into it for shopping, living, dining. Why buck everything or everyone that wants to come to our town and try and make it better?! People, we need this company! We need the business!
Someone wrote in and was concerned about the traffic. It’s a mess in that area during the holidays, I agree. But what about the other 10 months of the year? There are no problems getting to/from West Farms Mall, Target, Borders Books and all the other places in this area from January to November.
It was also noted that this land was deeded for recreational use and should be used as such. Well, to some of us, shopping is a recreation!
Paula Pare
New Britain
For the life of me, I can't understand why Costco would want to expand in anti-business Connecticut, and then even more amazing is that they would even consider building in even more anti-business New Britain.
ReplyDeleteIf the owners of Costco are reading this, they seriously need to talk to the owners of Walmart about their reasons for fleeing New Britain.
What a wake-up call it will be for Costco when the radical subversives on our council decide that they dislike the company's choice for their managers at this new store based on race or ethnicity, and the store is faced with radical protests formed by elected representatives who were elected to equally represent the interests of Costco as a New Britain taxpayer, but unfortunately these same Democrats have constantly put their own personal radical agendas before their responsibility to the taxpayers.
You would think that Costco would wonder why the world's largest employer and world's largest retailer has abandoned a city the size of New Britain?
I love Costco and am a card carrying member for many years. Yesterday, I tanked up at $3.85 a gallon at Costcos. New Britain has a great deal of park land and woods for the very few people who want use of them. What about my rights?
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of a few people going after a place or monument with a cross on it and the whole community caves in to be politically correct.
I am TIRED of being politically correct. Look what that has done to our country. How is that working out for you?