Thursday, May 26, 2011

CHRIS POWELL: Silly you if you thought concessions meant cuts - The Middletown Press (



  1. I like the way John Rowland put it best:

    Malloy is throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars as if they were dinner mints!

  2. One paragraph from Mr. Powell's statement says it best:

    In the context of the tax increase just enacted by the governor and the General Assembly, the biggest in the state’s history, trumping the one imposed with the state income tax in 1991, the concessions agreement is almost insulting. While the governor has been prattling about “shared sacrifice,” the agreement contains nothing that private-sector workers, suffering mightily in hard times, would recognize as sacrifice. Indeed, having been given to understand that state employees would be made to give something back, private-sector workers now have a right to feel badly misled, even betrayed.

  3. Our state legislature is the most business unfriendly group in the entire 50 states.
