Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bozek Wants To Make New Britain Election A Three-Way Race -



  1. Tom Bozek UP and Running in NB 24th District.

    Tom Bozek has thrown his hat into the ring for Tim O'Brien's 24th District House Seat. Bozek took out petitions from the registrars office. He now has until December 5, 2011 to gather signatures. If he comes up with support from at least 56 voters who live in the 24th District, he'll join the ballot as a petitioning candidate against democrat Rick Lopes.

  2. He will need to convince the local "Lemmings" to vote for him.

  3. I like Tom a lot but he is stuck in drive as a one issue person, public or any other kind of housing. Tome needs to develop a a larger focus.

  4. Bozek is a better candidate for the office than Lopes..Lopes might as well drop out of the race.He doesn't stand a chance opposing Peter Steele or Tom Bozek.

  5. Anonymous said...
    I like Tom a lot but he is stuck in drive as a one issue person, public or any other kind of housing. Tome needs to develop a a larger focus.
    December 1, 2011 8:07 PM

    Public Housing IS a large focus...New Britain has too much public housing, even with the demise of Pinnacle Heights. Let the surrounding "money" towns of Farmington and Berlin add more public housing for low income families. Then see how their Images change in the publics eye..Not so much as THE places to live.

  6. Bozek wants to turn NB into a nazi state. He probably has concentration camps set up for all the non-white's somewhere.

  7. At least Bozek won't be caught snooping through someone else's desk at the capitol.

  8. Frank:
    As is his wont, Tom get's a bug in his bonnet and doesn't let go. On John Rowland's radio show recently, Tom stated that the Busway would create more public housing. Everyone knows that any mention of housing (public /low income/multi family, etc) causes Tom to react as though someone was trying to get him to drink bleach. Also, John Rowland has indicated he is against the Busway.
    So, Rowland found Tom to light up his program. Tom's assertion that the Busway will create public housing is far fetched. Yes, it is hoped that along the Busway route, small businesses may sprout, especially near the stops. Yes, some housing may be built but nobody has said anything about public housing projects. Get off of that subject, Tom. And, remember, the Busway has been approved !

    Finally, Tom, if one of your opponents lines up on a different side of an issue than you (e.g., the Busway), that's their right. How about the content of their demonstrated character in previous positions they have held?

  9. As I see it, non of these "politicians" are thinking in the best interest of the public.... It goes from one moron to the other to satisfy what their party stands for. Just look at the mess New Britain is in now... There is so much potential for growth due to the bus way and all this federal money that's coming in and not one of them is thinking about the future... They hire idiots to run city hall... Not FIRE but RETIRE them on benefits and then rehire them to be consultants. OH and did i forget to mention that these people are close friends of the party...

    Lets not dilute things but make it evident that the city is going to hell. Our Leaders dont know simple math to balance budgets. And everyone is backstabbing each other just to keep their jobs...
