Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trump Tells Obama: "Stop with the funraisers and start running the country because your doing one hell of a lousy job!"


  1. The New Haven occupation (Occupy Wall Street/ Occupy New Haven) is about 75-people strong after more than a month of peaceful demonstration on the downtown Green.

    The occupation was launched Oct. 15 in solidarity with the original Occupy Wall Street movement and subscribes to the common notion that income disparity and economic injustice are plaguing the country.

    Occupations across the country are protesting what they perceive as corporate greed and government being out of touch with middle class and low-income Americans.

    The rallying cry of the movement is “We are the 99 percent,” as opposed to the one percent of Americans who control a disproportionate amount of the country’s wealth.

  2. I just heard on the news that Trump is going to be the moderator for one of the upcoming presidential debates!
