Friday, November 11, 2011

Canadian pipeline to Texas on hold until 2013 - Washington Times


  1. The pipeline may be closed, but the mass exodus from these northern states of people moving to states like Texas to escape the socialism of Democrats is growing exponentially.

  2. The President's delay will cause many losses of jobs.

    much to say for his jobs plan.

  3. President Obama has just shed any last remaining pretenses about doing anything substantial to relieve unemployment. He caved to his radical base, and America pays the price. Jobs and growing the economy never were a high priority for the White House that we've got right now.

    Obama is quite OK with wasting billions of dollars of our tax dollars on his little solar power pet projects that generate no jobs and that don't work, but anything like this involving private enterprise that generates real jobs is cut out in the surreal world of Obamanomics agenda.

  4. You might as well consider it on hold until the new Republican President takes office!
