Friday, November 11, 2011

Pete Steele Points out Errors With Mayoral Elect Obrien's commissioners Edict

The new leader of the transparent government has made his first official edicts.

I am disgusted that this new administration does not have the common courtesy nor the political willpower to allow the many good commissioners to finish out until Dec 31st. I guess the new paranoid administration feels that these citizens will cause irreparable damage to the City of New Britain they have served.

Pete Steele


  1. Hiring freeze in effect. We have 20-25 opennings on the police force but we are negotation a salary for Klotz. What is wrong with the salary of that position as it is now.\?

  2. What is that salary now?

  3. Elect a communist and even before he takes office he is already becoming a dictator!

  4. PETE STEELE----I think you should be the Republican town chairman.

    This Blint guy did nothingbut actmchildish and favoried only one candidate.

  5. What ever the salary is, it should stay the same. A hiring freeze should go across the board.

  6. Republicans win the suburbs, Democrats capture the urban areas...

    ....If anything, Tuesday's municipal vote reinforced the two Connecticuts that divide the political parties and that left the state with a razor-thin gubernatorial race a year ago between Malloy and Foley.

    While Democrats were winning the cities (and the TV cameras were rolling), out in the Republican suburbs,

    Republicans were racking up big victories in towns of Bristol, Avon, Farmington, East Haven, Cromwell, Plainville, Glastonbury, Stafford, Colchester and other towns — a virtual repeat of the gubernatorial race a year ago when Democrat Dannel Malloy squeaked by Republican Tom Foley.

  7. With The socialist takeover of the mayor's office many for sale signs are appearing in our city.

  8. I heard on the news that property values would be plummeting simply as a result of the election!

    Property becomes worthless in a socialist commune.

  9. I may have missed something...are all current Republican commissioners going to be replaced?

  10. If Pete Steele had read the press release he would have seen that HE DID NOT ask them to resign immediately and in the same breath said he wants to consider re-appointing all current commissioners but does not want to exclude those members of the public that may be able and willing to serve.
    Show some class Mr. Steele. If you want to start attacking the Mayor elected before he has even taken the oath, go right ahead. But at least have the decency to have your attacks grounded in facts.

  11. I agree that Pete Steele should be the new RTC chairman.

  12. How is he supposed to have an effective transition if he gets rid of every commissioner at one time. Stewart appointed both Republicans and Democrats. These positions will be now filled with unexperienced people in order to fulfill political favors. Not a good move. At least do it gradually. New Britain deserves better. Shortsighted move if you ask me.

  13. Anonymous said...

    How is he supposed to have an effective transition if he gets rid of every commissioner at one time. Stewart appointed both Republicans and Democrats. These positions will be now filled with unexperienced people in order to fulfill political favors. Not a good move. At least do it gradually. New Britain deserves better. Shortsighted move if you ask me.


  14. Rep. Murphy Wants To Raise Taxes?

    Rep. Chris Murphy of CT's 5th District competing in a Democratic primary in the race to replace the retiring Sen. Joe Lieberman, spoke to a group of students about his candidacy in New Haven.

    Murphy pointed to economic data that shows that current tax rates on local, state and national level are “certainly too low to run a functional government,” he said.

    Those who are advocating a reduced role in taxes for national and local governments have “a fundamental misunderstanding of what made this nation great, funding for education” he added.

  15. Malloy Asks Obama To Declare 'Major Disaster' In State:
    (too many communists were just elected and as a result our real estate values are crashing!)

  16. You need to raise taxes on those evil rich people and punish them severely. No one should be allowed to have more wealth than someone who has never done a day's work in his life. He is entitled to his share of your wealth simply for being born. That is what the Demoncrats stand for.

  17. You need to raise taxes on those evil rich people and punish them severely. No one should be allowed to have more wealth than someone who has never done a day's work in his life. He is entitled to his share of your wealth simply for being born. That is what the Demoncrats stand for.

  18. If the developers of Costco have any brains, I would say they should be looking for a way to back out of their deal to build in the newly declared commie empire of New Britain.

  19. Costco will be history?


    Because Tim O'Brien is the (politician) as stated by WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.'Brien_(politican)

  20. No Car...No Job...In Todays Economy?

    For more than a decade efforts to help the disadvantages living in their neighborhoods have focused on education, health care, nutrition and housing. Almost nothing has been done to help the working poor in New Britain to afford cars,despite studies that indicate it would help alleviate poverty.

    The 2009 Cash for Clunkers program, for example, put 690,000 running vehicles in the junkyard, making used cars that remained more expensive.

    Since there are no government programs available to help low-income workers in New Britain, who need cars to drive to where the jobs are; the answer lies with O'Brien's implement of "effectiveness in city government" committee?

  21. Governor Duval Patrick of Massachusetts purchased brand new cars for everyone on welfare, and each car came with car insurance paid for by the taxpayers, a free maintenance plan and a free AAA plan so that no one on welfare would ever have to spend a dime insuring or fixing their cars. Everything was completely free for each brand new car.

    When will O'Brien be distributing the free new cars throughout New Britain, or is he just not as big a man as Duval Patrick?

  22. Anonymous said...

    When will O'Brien be distributing the free new cars throughout New Britain, or is he just not as big a man as Duval Patrick, Governor Mass.

    Where do we sign up for the free car?

  23. I guess O'Brien is simply all talk and no action considering that a fellow Democrat in a neighboring state was able to provide free brand new cars to thousands of welfare recipients.

  24. The new mayor cares so deeply about education by holding his inauguration at the high school, but he and his wife didn't think this high school was good enough for them as they sent O'Brien's stepson to an out of town school.

    What a phony
